1.00 Registration
- Table
- Chairs for registration staffers
- 16 or 17 envelopes, each labeled with a team name
- Lab coat (one for each staffer)
- Trenchwood Institute name badge and lanyard (one for each staffer)
- (optional) Bin for waivers
- Spare waivers
- Pens
1.01 Introductory Lecture 1
- PowerPoint presentation on Erik's Laptop File:PPT for intro speech.ppt
- projector
- screen
- PA system
- time machine set with sound/light/smoke special effects.
- seats for players
- portable tachyon detector prop
1.02 Core Dump 1
- Physical "Toggle Burner" boards, one for each team.
- 32 or 43 copies of "core dump" word list, two for each team: [[1]]
- Trenchwood Institute Contact Sheet, 16 for Game 1, 17 for Game 2
- Poster with wifi signin information
- 4 copies of Staff Instructions (so multiple staffers may offer hints)
1.03 Tachyon Midi Ether Co-Keypad 1
- 55 or 58 blank keypad grid sheets (3 per team + 7 spares)
- 35 or 37 copies of Connections Requirements Analysis for Pad #34 (2 per team + 3 spares);
- 17 or 18 sets of keypad design kits (1 per team + 1 spare)
- Lab coat
- "Dorian Clair Laboratories" name badge and lanyard
1.03.05 Co-Keypad Optional Driving Puzzles
1.04 Choose Your Own Adventure
poster of invention ideas
- Approximately 100 copies of CYOA puzzle books (1 per player)
- Removable painter's tape (for attaching set dressing)
- Set Dressing:
- Real Genius poster
- set D&D books
- sheet & pillowcase
- Poster of invention ideas (see right)
- hat with buttons
- Doctor Who scarf
- funky phone
- other childhood memorabilia?
1.05.3 Wormhole
- 17 copies of Wormhole puzzle
- Lab coat
- Smith Laboratories name tag insert (you should find it hidden in your lanyard)
1.06 Calibration
- 32 or 34 copies of Trenchwood Industries CDs, which contain the Calibration puzzle (2 per team, with 0 spares)
- 16 copies of optional TBD puzzle (1 per team, with 0 spares)
- 1 Lab coat (should already have from previous location)
- 1 Long Now name badge and lanyard (should already have lanyard from previous location; look inside the lanyard for this badge insert)
- 120 (7 per team) copies of blank co-keypad sheets (for use in 1.03.05 Co-Keypad Optional Driving Puzzles)
1.07 Feynman Diagrams
Paper puzzle
1.07.05 Location: Letterman
- Puzzle instructions for Send Me Back (Mandatory)
- Puzzle instructions for Fabric Of Time (Optional)
- Lab coat (should have from previous site)
- Trenchwood Institute name badge and lanyard (should have from previous site)
1.08 Send Me Back
(No new puzzle-specific props)
1.09 Fabric of Time
- 16 or 17 copies of Fabric of Time
1.10 Locate the Letter
(No new props for this puzzle)
1.11 Fetch the Letter
Crazy Tracy
- award certificate
- safety goggles
- pocket protector
- nerd glasses
- rubber gloves
- flask
- electric meter
- red tape
- agent badge
- sunglasses
- binder
- handcuffs
- fedora
- memo pad
- light bulb canister
- photography magazine
- microphone
- golf club
- prospectus
- piggy bank
- Wall Street Journal
- day planner
- tobacco container
1.11.00 Role Puzzles
- Staff instructions for Particle Zoo
- Staff instructions for Redacted Puzzle
- Staff instructions for Pulp SF Puzzle
- Staff instructions for Balance Sheet
- Staff instructions for Income Statement
- Team vs. Role Puzzle check off grid
1.11.01 Intense Secrets
- Act I: 9 copies of Trenchwood version of Pulp Science Fiction
- Act II: 16 copies of Peach Frontier version of Pulp Science Fiction
1.11.02a Balance Sheet Puzzle
1.11.02b Income Statement
- Act I: 9 copies of Trenchwood version of Income Statement
- Act II: 16 copies of Peach Frontier version of Income Statement
1.11.03 Particle Zoo
- Act I: 9 copies of Trenchwood version of Particle Zoo
- Act II: 16 copies of Peach Frontier version of Particle Zoo
1.11.04 (REDACTED) Redaction Agency Puzzle
- Act I: 9 copies of Trenchwood version of Redaction Agency Puzzle internal email [2]
- Act II: 16 copies of Peach Frontier version of Redaction Agency internal email [3]
- 48 copies--A page from a scientific paper [4]. Give out three copies per team.
- 16 copies--A bunch of strips that assemble to form the first page of the secret agent's instruction document [5]. This should be printed out, the upper-left corner cut off and thrown away, and the rest run through Wei-Hwa's paper shredder. These strips are in a ziplok bag.
1.12 Consolidation 1
- 40 + Any remaining blank co-keypad grids from 1.06_Calibration#Props
- Any leftover sets of keypad design kits
- Wei-Hwa + his computer + his phone + USB cable
- Screen
- Projector (perhaps we can use the projector at the location)
- Projector-to-PC cable
- Projector remote
- Sound system (including microphone)
- 2 Lab coats (should already have from prior locations)
- 2 Trenchwood Institute name badges and lanyards (should already have from prior locations)
- 2 copies of Act I lab assistant skit (reformatted for ease of reading)
2.00 Sign In Act 2
- Instruction handouts and forms.
- 80 registration packs (one for each player), each including instructions and forms
- Enough crayons for everyone
- 16 sets of Peach Frontier security badge inserts
- 80 or so pamphlets for the International Museum Of Pretentious Art--one per player
- Lab coat for each registrar
- Peach Frontier name badge and lanyard for each registrar
- Table (may be in school's storage area)
- 4 chairs (may be in school's storage area)
- Hint materials:
- Corkboard
- Printed Hint Strips
- Colored pushpins or Thumbtacks
2.01 Introductory Lecture 2
- PowerPoint presentation on Erik's Laptop File:PPT for Chronos intro speech.ppt
- projector
- screen
- PA system
- time machine set with sound/light/smoke special effects.
- seats for players
- portable tachyon detector
2.02 Core Dump 2
- 16 or 17 baggies with "Core Dump 2" components
- 16 or 17 supplemental data sheets
- Lab coats for all lab assistants (should have from previous events)
- Peach Frontier Laboratories name badge and lanyard for all lab assistants (should have from previous events)
2.03 Invalid Permit
- Multiple copies of staff instructions for the multiple staffers?
- 16 or 17 collections of permit applications
- Lab coat (should already have)
- Peach Frontier name badge and lanyard (should already have)
- Government official outfit? for the inspector?
- 32 or 34 View-O-Scope Computer Remote Access Program diskettes
- 16 or 17 contact information sheets for Peach Frontier Laboratories
2.04 Chronomentometer 1
2.05 Mix Tape Puzzle
- 16 or 17 copies of Mix Tape (cassette tapes with inserts)
- 3 cassette players (for use by teams that lack them)
- Tiresias costume
2.06 Quantum Time Vibrations
- keys to bathroom
- 16 copies of part 1 of the puzzle (1 per team, 0 extra copies)
- Large rolled-up world map
- One handout sheet
- First intro sheet
- 16 copies of part 2 of the puzzle (1 per team, 0 extra copies)
- Bag of strings of various lengths
- One handout sheet
- Second intro sheet
- Lab coat
- Peach Frontier Laboratories name badge and lanyard
2.07 Art History
- Exterior sign
- Interior exhibit sign ("The Muse of Painting")
- 11 paintings
- Painter's tape
- Museum wax
- $5 food/drink coupons (88 first weekend, ? the second)
- checklist of teams, denoting which teams have received information about the audio tour and which teams have borrowed phones.
- Audio tour materials
- 11 unattached "audio tour target" signs
- 18 copies of "audio tour transcript e-mail"
- 18 copies of "How to download audio tour" instructions
- 10 loaner Android phones and headsets
- Phone charger
2.08 Sheet Music Puzzle
These include props for 2.09 Fix The View Finder.
- 16 copies of Sheet Music Puzzle (may not be ready for playtest)
- 1 Hint sheet for Sheet Music Puzzle (may not be ready for playtest)
- 16 copies of Fix The View-O-Scope Puzzle (may not be ready for playtest)
- 1 Hint sheet for Fix The View-O-Scope Puzzle (may not be ready for playtest)
- Lab coat (should already have from previous site) -- WEAR THIS
- Peach Frontier Laboratories name badge and lanyard (should already have from previous site) -- WEAR THIS
2.09 Fix The View-O-Scope
2.10 Christmas Party
- DVD player + remote
- 4x Speakers
- AV Receiver w/6-channel amp
- 4x bare-end or banana plug cables for connecting the receiver to speakers
- 2x 1/8" to dual RCA cables
- CD player, OR MP3 player with audio file loaded
- Coffee maker
- Plastic inbox trays, qty. 5
- Plant
- Door sign
- Hint sheet for Faculty Christmas Party puzzle
2.11 Locker Combo
- Set dressing, including
- poster of Dirk Nowitzki
- poster of 2011 NBA Playoffs bracket
- mini plush basketball
- mini basketball hoop
- desk picture frame of June Cleaver
- 16 or 17 copies of picture frame insert
- Painter's tape
2.12 Restaurant Coupon
- 16 or 17 instruction sheets (handwritten to match storyline)
- 16 or 17 copies of restaurant coupon printout (printed on *both* sides)
- 16 or 17 combined order forms?
- Scissors
2.13 Consolidation 2
- 19 copies of the "arrive early" note: http://www.weihwa.com/~whuang/nodir/doctorwhen/consolidator-2-notes.pdf
- 16 or 17 copies of the Peach Frontier versions of each role puzzle
- Staff instructions for role puzzles overall and each role puzzle (from Act I)
- Sound system (including microphones)
- Videos of Act II, Scenes 4 & 5
- 16 or 17 copies of local restaurant suggestions
- Lab coat (should already have from previous site)
- Peach Frontier Laboratories name badge and lanyard (should already have from previous site)
- 90 blank Chronomentometer grids (approximately 5 per team)
- Any leftover Chronomentometer design kits
- Projector
- Screen
- Wei-Hwa and his laptop and his phone and a USB cable for tethering Assistant for Wei-Hwa (if possible)
- 2 copies of Act II lab assistant skit
2.14 Act 2 Conclusion
Projector, screen, PA system.
3.00 Registration Redux
- Table
- Chairs for registration staffers
- 16 envelopes, each labeled with a team name
- Lab coat (one for each staffer)
- Trenchwood Institute name badge and lanyard (one for each staffer)
- Pens
3.01 Introductory Lecture 1, Reprise
- PowerPoint presentation on Erik's Laptop File:PPT for intro speech.ppt
- projector
- screen
- PA system
- time machine set with sound/light/smoke special effects.
- seats for players
- portable tachyon detector
- yearbook
3.02 Core Dump 1 Redux
One Toggle Burner board
3.03 Tachyon Midi Ether Co-Keypad 1 Redux
3.04 Choose Your Own Adventure Redux
3.05 Yearbook (Jiffy Pop) Solve
16 or 17 physical puzzle baggies, one for each team.
3.07 Calibration Redux
Each lab assistant doing this event should have
- laptop computer
- disk with Trenchwood version of Computer Remote Access Program
- 16 or 17 copies of "So you're going to be a time traveler..."
- 32 or 34 copies of Mission Dossier
3.08 Send Me Back Redux
Short movie of Doctor When delivering the letter.
3.08.01 Mission Training-"Chrononaut Rapid Acclimation Protocol"
- Sidewalk chalk
- Sign boards
- "What's This" items:
- Speak & Spell
- Laserdisc
- Chinese Jacks
- Atari game cartridge
- Boom box?
- Computer speakers?
3.09 Send Players To 1986
3.10 Detention and Dance
- List of teams
- Door sign
- Painter's tape
- Chair
- Tape player with Time Warp tape
- Wall sign, "PASS WITH HARD WORK"
- 16 or 17 Copies of SAT practice test
- 32 or 34 blank SAT answer sheets
- 1 copy of SAT answer key
- 16 or 17 notes sending teams to dance class
- Boom box
- mix CD of 80's music
- "Buffy's Awesome Dance List" - 16 sheets
3.11 TRASH
- The envelope,
- locker hallway garbage can with sign,
- poster with TRASH rules,
- whiteboard with the TRASH daily log,
- pile of blank paper,
- principal's suite garbage can (with basketball hoop and some garbage inside),
- 1986-appropriate basketball poster for principal's office
- Props for inside locker, including torn picture of Buffy (these should already be onsite)
- “TRASH Can C” sign (should already be onsite)
- 100 or so iridescent smiley-face stickers
- List of teams
- T.R.A.S.H. Poster (should already be in place)
- Daily Log whiteboard (should already be in place)
- 17 T.R.A.S.H. grid handouts
- 17 flyer Vol. #1 handout
- 17 flyer Vol #2 handout
- 17 maze diagrams
Principal's Office
- Sign over door, "Principal's Suite"
- Sign "T.R.A.S.H. Can B" (may already be on site)
- Trash can (may already be on site)
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar poster (may already be on site)
- 1986 NBA playoff bracket poster (may already be on site)
- mini basketball hoop (may already be on site)
- 16 or 17 Manila envelopes, each with a newspaper clipping inside
3.12 Yearbook (Jiffy Pop) Puzzle, Closing the Loop
Each teams' original Jiffy Pop gadget; "presidents poster"
- return time wormhole archway
- remote control for archway
Student Journalism Office
- Sign over door (may already be on site)
- Posters of USA presidents (may already be on site)
- Painter's tape (may already be on site)
- Counter bin (may already be on site)
- Stack of 11" X 17" paper (backups for the layout boards - may already be on site)
- Set of American flag stickers
- Poster of proofreading marks (may already be on site)
- Poster of writing checklists (may already be on site)
- "Cheat sheet" list of the presidents (in these instructions)
- Wax machine
- Wax
- Layout boards
- Scissors
- Presidential trivia workbooks
3.13 Lunch puzzle
- 80+ cookies
- Pretzels
- Lunch for teams
- Ms. PacMan machine
- Sign
- Stand for sign
- dry erase markers
3.14 Apple II
Science Fair exhibits. Clock. Spinning red light. Alarm sound.
3.15 Banner Event
Stuff to make banners
3.16 Happy Ending
Science Fair exhibits. Slime rig.
3.17 Dénouement
Audio Puzzle
Cartoon Puzzle
Letter Jumble
Optional Pep Ring
Science Fair Projects
Staff Instructions
Trenchwood Web Site
web site