
From DoctorWhen

Google Doc: Puzzles vs. Playtesters

Inventory List

Staff Instructions

"Event" is an umbrella term for puzzles, presentations, and activities. Since this game is not 100% puzzle-driven, we needed a term that covers every type of waypoint the players will experience.

TECH NOTE: The tables in this page are dynamically-generated from the individual event pages. If something weird shows up here it's probably because there was something screwy in the event pages. Feel free to edit these tables but if you don't understand what's going on, ask Wei-Hwa.

If you need to know the puzzle status codes, look at MediaWiki:Emoticons (we're using Emoticons software to generate them).

Act 0 (Pre-clues)

Name Order Type Status Short Description Manager
Trenchwood Web Site


Introductory Website




Act 1

Name Type Status Short Description Manager
1.00 Registration

Mandatory Event


Visitors turn in their waivers and are given "security badges"


1.01 Introductory Lecture 1

Mandatory Presentation


Doctor When gives intro speech, steps inside time machine, which malfunctions and he never exits.


1.02 Core Dump 1

Mandatory Puzzle


Each team is given a corrupted "Toggle Burner" core dump board + core dump printout to decode in order to figure out what's wrong with the time machine.


1.03 Tachyon Midi Ether Co-Keypad 1

Mandatory Puzzle


Team designs new co-keypad #34 based on specifications from Prof. Dorian Clair to replace damaged one.


1.03.05 Co-Keypad Optional Driving Puzzles

Optional, ongoing Puzzle


Originally we thought there was only one co-keypad broken, but now there's a lot more. Teams can fix them as they're travelling, if they wish.


1.04 Choose Your Own Adventure

Mandatory Puzzle


A "Choose your own adventure" book "The Dextrus of Tempus" written by Wesley while he was in high school contains his password in a hidden code.

Trisha and Wei-Hwa

1.05.3 Wormhole

Optional Puzzle


Particle maze in mirror grid

Eric L

1.06 Calibration

Mandatory Puzzle


Teams have to predict next time Doctor When will bounce to based on DVD containing short clips of where he's been so far.


1.07 Feynman Diagrams

Optional Puzzle


Players have to decode modified Feynman particle interaction diagrams to design placement of mirrors in device.


1.07.05 Location: Letterman

Location With Multiple Puzzles

1.08 Send Me Back

Mandatory Puzzle


Garbled silent video message from Doctor When instructing where to send him.


1.09 Fabric of Time

Optional Puzzle


The fabric of history has been subtly altered and must be restored.


1.10 Locate the Letter

Mandatory Puzzle


Players must study the video of the Doctor's journey through time to figure out where he lost the envelope.


1.11 Fetch the Letter

Mandatory Puzzle


Retrieve the envelope from where it's been waiting for 50 years.


1.11.00 Role Puzzles

Optional Puzzles


Directions on how to keep track of which teams do which role puzzles.

Trisha and Wei-Hwa

1.11.01 Intense Secrets

Optional Puzzle (JOURNALISM)


A pulp science fiction story written by Doctor When is discovered in the past.

Erik Stuart

1.11.02a Balance Sheet Puzzle

Optional Puzzle (INVESTOR)


An unusual financial balance sheet reveals instructions on how to raise money.


1.11.02b Income Statement

Optional Puzzle (INVESTOR)


Followup to Balance Sheet; bizarre income statement reveals another message.


1.11.03 Particle Zoo

Optional Puzzle (SCIENTIST)


Players need to classify a large number of "particles" (similar images).

David Greenspan

1.11.04 (REDACTED) Redaction Agency Puzzle

Optional Puzzle (GOVERNMENT)


Optional role puzzle--government. Teams are told that there is a suspected mole at the lab.


1.12 Consolidation 1

Mandatory Puzzle followed by Mandatory Presentation


Final fix before Doctor can be returned to the present.


Staff Instructions

Act 2

Name Type Status Short Description Manager
2.00 Sign In Act 2

Mandatory Puzzle


Signing in to presentation is a complicated puzzle that requires collaboration between different roles.


2.01 Introductory Lecture 2

Mandatory Presentation


Prof. Chronus gives a welcoming speech to the teams, parallel to Dr. When's speech at the start of Act I.

Erik and Ellen

2.02 Core Dump 2

Mandatory Puzzle


Teams receive the "core dump" from Prof. Chronos's time machine, and try to figure out why it's broken.

David Greenspan

2.03 Invalid Permit

Mandatory Puzzle


A government regulator threatens to shut down the lab unless a seemingly impossible series of forms are filled out correctly.


2.04 Chronomentometer 1

Mandatory Puzzle


The players need to help Doctor When design a new quantum chronomentometer.


2.05 Mix Tape Puzzle

Mandatory Puzzle


Teams get a mix tape with 18 songs, each with the word "time" in the title, plus an insert with (out-of-order) artists and years and a poem from Catherine.


2.06 Quantum Time Vibrations

Optional Puzzle


The time machine has detected quantum time vibrations that might help the players locate where Prof. Chronos hid a message.


2.07 Art History

Mandatory Puzzle


Prof. Chronos has managed to insert herself into famous works of art to "tell" the teams where she wants them to send her next.


2.08 Sheet Music Puzzle

Optional Puzzle


An unusual piece of sheet music from the past contains a message from Doctor When.

Allen & Ellen

2.09 Fix The View-O-Scope

Optional Puzzle


The teams need to help Doctor When repair the time machine's View-O-Scope.


2.10 Christmas Party

Mandatory Puzzle


Prof. Chronos needs Wesley's locker combo; ghostly voices from 1986 heard at the high school in 2011 help teams find where it might be recorded.

Dave S

2.11 Locker Combo

Mandatory Puzzle


Teams need to figure out the master locker combo from the principal's notes.


2.12 Restaurant Coupon

Optional Puzzle


Figure out complex takeout food order to satisfy ravenous lab assistants.


2.13 Consolidation 2

Mandatory Puzzle


Final fixes before Prof. Chronos can be returned to the present.


Act 3

Name Type Status Short Description Manager
3.00 Registration Redux

Mandatory Event


Visitors turn in their waivers and are given "security badges"


3.01 Introductory Lecture 1, Reprise

Mandatory Presentation


Exact repeat of Act I, diverging when players solve first puzzle instantly.


3.02 Core Dump 1 Redux

Mandatory Puzzle


Same as Act I.

3.03 Tachyon Midi Ether Co-Keypad 1 Redux

Mandatory Puzzle

3.04 Choose Your Own Adventure Redux

Mandatory Puzzle


Same as Act I.

3.05 Yearbook (Jiffy Pop) Solve

Mandatory Puzzle


A puzzle that is a [Bootstrap Paradox]: The teams solve it, and then later have a hand in its creation.

Eric L

3.07 Calibration Redux

Mandatory Puzzle


Shorter version of Act I, with new solution.


3.08.01 Mission Training-"Chrononaut Rapid Acclimation Protocol"

Mandatory Activity


Drill the "mission dossier" into the players' minds by making them play a human board game with 80s trivia and giant dice.

Erik, Melissa

3.09 Send Players To 1986

Mandatory Activity


Players enter the time machine and go back to 1986.


3.10 Detention and Dance

Mandatory Puzzle


Players must figure out how to escape detention so they can complete the first step of their mission.


3.11 TRASH

Mandatory Puzzle


Locate the letter after Chronos discards it.


3.12 Yearbook (Jiffy Pop) Puzzle, Closing the Loop

Mandatory Puzzle


Re-construct the puzzle that was received earlier.

Eric L

3.13 Lunch puzzle

Optional Puzzle


Doris the Lunch Lady will give a special prize to anyone who figures out what the Mystery Meat really is.


3.14 Apple II

Optional Puzzle


Fortune Teller program for Apple II


3.15 Banner Event

Optional Puzzle


Teams are pressed by the PMHS Typography Club to redo school banners

3.16 Happy Ending

Mandatory Presentation


The "Science Fair Incident" played out live.


3.17 Dénouement

Mandatory Presentation


Wrap-up lecture, not puzzle



Name Order Type Status Short Description Manager

Mandatory Puzzle


Trisha and Wei-Hwa

Staff Instructions
Letter Jumble


Optional Puzzle


Message hidden in seemingly random sprawl of letters


Cartoon Puzzle


Optional Puzzle


Mis-ordered cartoon panels


Dormant / Abandoned

Name Order Type Status Short Description Manager


Website Pre-clue


Pre-clue either for entertainment, or to hint at things we want the team to bring.

Optional Pep Ring


Optional Puzzle


Additional tasks for fast solvers. More parts, or more fix-it info revealed.

2.14 Act 2 Conclusion


Mandatory Presentation


Video of the new timeline that Prof. Chronos created.


3.08 Send Me Back Redux


Mandatory Activity


Players watch a View-O-Scope image of the Doctor in 1986.



Optional Puzzle


Secret message in the pages of a yearbook.


Audio Puzzle

Never started

Optional Puzzle


List of songs, different from mix tape puzzle.



Never started

Optional Puzzle



Dave Shukan

Other Links

Brainstorming -- collection page for unorganized puzzle ideas.