1.07 Feynman Diagrams

From DoctorWhen






Status: something

GC PoC: someone

Parking: N/A

Notes: None Done deal

GC Point of Contact


Location Notes



Optional Puzzle

Plot Setup


Paper puzzle

Plot Point to Convey


Short Description

Players have to decode modified Feynman particle interaction diagrams to design placement of mirrors in device.

Open Time Period


Staff Instructions

Your Role: Lab Assistant.

Handout Instructions: Do something.

Hints: Teams may call in for hints. But if you familiarize yourself with the attached hint document, feel free to give hints.

Answers: Teams have been instructed to call in their answer to the Institute.

Site Close Down:

  • Clean up.
  • Return your name badge(s) and lanyard to GC HQ at the end of your shift

Other Instructions:

  • Stay in character.
  • Except ... if a team says "time out," break character and help them.

Detailed Description


How To Give To Teams

Over phone lab assistant says:

In the meantime, there's another problem you could help with. Please ask the Long Now lab assistant for the Feynman Diagrams research project.


Research Project Title: Feynman Diagrams
Objective: ?
Location: Long Now Foundation, Fort Mason Center, Building A, San Francisco
Upon Completion: Call the Institute and speak with any lab assistant
Parking: Some free spots just outside of parking attendant's booth, pay parking inside lot
Bathrooms At Location: Yes
Food At Location: Safeway and a few restaurants a few blocks away

Puzzle Answer

Puzzle Solution

The puzzle consists of a set of numeric data points, and instructions on how to plot them on a diagram. The plots form visual letter shapes, spelling a message.



Eric L - concept




Ask teams what they have done, probing details if necessary (often this will get a team unstuck by themselves).

Response to Correct Answer

Over the phone the lab assistant says words to the effect of


To Do

Needs a champion to develop the concept into a complete puzzle. Not enough meat on it in current form.

Other Notes

Initial prototype has been playtested. No one has yet showed enough interest in taking it further, including the author.