Technical Setup

From DoctorWhen
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1.01 Introductory Lecture 1

1.02 Core Dump 1

1.03 Tachyon Midi Ether Co-Keypad 1

Trenchwood Web Site


Science Fair Projects

1.04 Choose Your Own Adventure

1.06 Calibration

1.08 Send Me Back

1.10 Locate the Letter

Optional Pep Ring

1.11 Fetch the Letter

2.01 Introductory Lecture 2

2.02 Core Dump 2

2.04 Chronomentometer 1

Here's the steps for resetting this event:

  1. Make sure that has the correct teams.
  2. Go to the working directory: cd /home/www/doctorwhen/
  3. Clean out the logs: rm /home/www/doctorwhen/*
  4. reset all the database crud:
    1. mysql -u laboratory --password=forscience < resetteams.sql
    2. mysql -Dpeachfrontier -u laboratory --password=forscience < puzinfo.sql
  5. Go to the admin console at:
  6. In the "Team Info" section, click on "Release" next to each team name. (Try to spread out the roles a bit instead of doing all the same roles together.)
  7. For good measure, have some fake teams solve some unclaimed puzzles (click the tiny buttons in the "auto-solve" area, but only next to red numbers).

Details for what's in those sql files is at: (see the bottom of the document)

2.05 Mix Tape Puzzle

2.07 Art History

2.09 Fix The View-O-Scope

2.10 Christmas Party

2.11 Locker Combo

2.06 Quantum Time Vibrations

3.01 Introductory Lecture 1, Reprise

3.05 Yearbook (Jiffy Pop) Solve

3.02 Core Dump 1 Redux

3.03 Tachyon Midi Ether Co-Keypad 1 Redux

3.04 Choose Your Own Adventure Redux

3.08 Send Me Back Redux

3.11 TRASH

3.16 Happy Ending

3.12 Yearbook (Jiffy Pop) Puzzle, Closing the Loop

1.11.02a Balance Sheet Puzzle

1.09 Fabric of Time


1.11.02b Income Statement

3.14 Apple II

2.08 Sheet Music Puzzle

2.12 Restaurant Coupon

1.11.01 Intense Secrets

2.03 Invalid Permit

1.12 Consolidation 1

This has now been moved to 1.03.05_Co-Keypad_Optional_Driving_Puzzles#Technical_Setup

2.00 Sign In Act 2

2.13 Consolidation 2

2.14 Act 2 Conclusion

3.10 Detention and Dance

3.17 Dénouement

3.13 Lunch puzzle

1.07 Feynman Diagrams

1.11.03 Particle Zoo

Audio Puzzle


1.05.3 Wormhole

Letter Jumble

Cartoon Puzzle

3.08.01 Mission Training-"Chrononaut Rapid Acclimation Protocol"

1.11.04 (REDACTED) Redaction Agency Puzzle

3.15 Banner Event

3.09 Send Players To 1986

1.00 Registration



1.07.05 Location: Letterman

1.11.00 Role Puzzles

3.07 Calibration Redux

1.03.05 Co-Keypad Optional Driving Puzzles

Here's the steps for resetting this event:

  1. Make sure that has the correct teams.
  2. Go to the working directory: cd /home/www/doctorwhen/
  3. Clean out the logs: rm /home/www/doctorwhen/*
  4. reset all the database crud:
    1. mysql -u laboratory --password=forscience < resetteams.sql
    2. mysql -Dtrenchwood -u laboratory --password=forscience < puzinfo.sql
  5. Go to the admin console at:
  6. In the "Team Info" section, click on "Release" next to each team name. (Try to spread out the roles a bit instead of doing all the same roles together.)
  7. For good measure, have some fake teams solve some unclaimed puzzles (click the tiny buttons in the "auto-solve" area, but only next to red numbers).

Details for what's in those sql files is at: (see the bottom of the document)

3.00 Registration Redux

Staff Instructions