Langton Labs

From DoctorWhen
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Langton Laboratories

9 Langton Street San Francisco, CA

Visited on 7/28/10 by Allen

30' X 70'; balcony above; some other little workrooms in the back.

Comments: I'm starting to like the space more and more. People both work and live in the space.

My contacts there are Mike Kayton (, (415) 671-5266) and Dave Glasser ( Mike is a bit unresponsive. Dave is a puzzler himself. But I've gotten mixed signals from him about whether they'd be open to renting to us for a weekend because people live there. On the other hand I just meet with another resident, Peretz, who liked the idea and emphasized that Langton Labs is always trying to do something new and different...which our Game would certainly qualify.

Langton A.JPG