Langton Labs
Langton Laboratories
9 Langton Street San Francisco, CA
Visited on 7/28/10 by Allen
30' X 70'; balcony above; some other little workrooms in the back.
Comments: I'm starting to like the space more and more. People both work and live in the space.
My contacts there are Mike Kayton (, (415) 671-5266) and Dave Glasser ( Mike is a bit unresponsive. Dave is a puzzler himself. But I've gotten mixed signals from him about whether they'd be open to renting to us for a weekend because people live there. On the other hand I just meet with another resident, Peretz, who liked the idea and emphasized that Langton Labs is always trying to do something new and different...which our Game would certainly qualify.
10/1/10: Mike Kayton said Langton Labs is no longer interested.