3.09 Send Players To 1986

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 22:38, 21 March 2012 by AllenCohn (talk | contribs)




Name And Address: "Trenchwood Institute" -- Highlands Elementary School, 2320 Newport St, San Mateo, CA 94402

GC PoC: Erik Stuart, (650) 395-8463, lab@trenchwood.com

Parking: School lot, free


Mandatory Activity

Plot Setup

Players realized that they can't access the envelope because the Doctor never lost it during his shorter trip through time. So they have to go back in time to where the envelope is.


"So You're Going To Be A Time Traveler" pamphlet.

Plot Point to Convey

Very clear goals for the trip through time: WALK to high school, GET the newspaper, CHANGE the newspaper, REPLACE the newspaper, CHECK ARCHWAY, RETURN home safely.

Short Description

Players enter the time machine and go back to 1986.

Open Time Period

Sunday, approximately 10:15 AM to 11:00 AM

Staff Instructions

Your Role: Lab Assistant.

What To Wear: lab coat + Trenchwood Institute name badge

What Your Character Knows: Everything in Plot Setup except the stuff about Peach Frontier Laboratories.

Puzzles At This Site: none in this document, just the activity of sending the teams through the time machine

Where To Get Materials: n/a

Setup Instructions: n/a

Handout Instructions: The dialog should go something like:

LAB ASSISTANT 1: Welcome back. Are you certified chrononauts now?


LAB ASSISTANT 1: What are your four mission objectives?

VISITOR: Find the locker, change the message on the newspaper, check the return time wormhole archway in the gym, return to 2012.

LAB ASSISTANT 1: Perfect. And do you have everything you want to bring with you?


LAB ASSISTANT 1: One last thing. You've done so much for us that your sort of like a Trenchwood lab assistants yourselves...though hopefully with better hours.

So I hope you'll join us in a Trenchwood lab assistant tradition: Before each big event we all say our motto. Will yo do it with me?

IN UNISON (with hand gestures): Let's do it...for science!

LAB ASSISTANT 1: Wow...you even did the hand gestures...it's like you've done this before. [looks suspiciously] No, don't tell me.

[to lab assistant 2] Activate the quantum chronomentometers!

Lab Assistant 2 pushes various buttons. The machine's lights blink more rapidly and its sounds grow more urgent.

LAB ASSISTANT 2: The chronomentometers are online!

LAB ASSISTANT 1: Excellent. Now, energize the tachyon midi-ether co-keypads!

Lab Assistant 2 pushes more buttons and the machine's lights and sounds ramp up to almost reckless levels.

LAB ASSISTANT 2: The co-keypads are fully charged!

LAB ASSISTANT 1: I can't believe it...it's working this time. You had better hurry in before...

LAB ASSISTANT 2: ...before Doctor When gets into any more danger! Enjoy your trip!

The lab assistants usher the visitors into the time machine. The time machine activates and the players walk through a tunnel with cool lighting and sound effects, exiting outside the lab. They then walk to Paine Memorial High School.

Site Close Down: Once last team goes to 1986

  • Transform set to Ethereal Endways, Inc.
  • Move wormhole tunnel to gym
  • Return your name badge(s) and lanyard to GC HQ at the end of your shift

Other Instructions:

  • Stay in character.
  • Except ... if a team says "time out," break character and help them.

Detailed Description


Puzzle Answer


Puzzle Solution




Todd for set Ellen for sound




Ask teams what they have done, probing details if necessary (often this will get a team unstuck by themselves).

Response to Correct Answer


To Do

Other Notes