Finnish Hall

From DoctorWhen

Finnish Hall

Dwight reports in:

2. Finnish Hall, just off University avenue a few blocks E. of San Pablo. Quite a bit smaller, but has a kitchen, bathroom, and even two floors, although we only rented one (at a time). My impression is that this would be available for entire weekends. Parking is limited to about 6-8 spots, with (free but hunt-for-it) street parking in the area.

>Also, do your remember what we paid for the Finnish Hall?

Yes! It was much cheaper: $200. (Which is why we have a surplus.)

>And why we aren't using it any more?

Because it's not wheelchair accessible. Someone (a friend of Ann's) complained about it ages ago, and whoever tried to find an alternative did not succeed. But when one of the regulars complained that he could no longer get in there after who knows how many equinoxes we felt we had to find an accessible place. I'm not sure how we came across the BFUU, but the one time we used it, it was a huge hit. More spacious by far than the Finn Hall, and with an actual stage.