110414 Inventory of Graphics Needs, Playtesting

From DoctorWhen

Just 22 weeks to go!

Allen, Erik, & Sean present


Still no luck with recruiting for technical director/set designer.

  • Allen to make some guesses about when we absolutely have to have the set designer on board. We can use that guess to calibrate when to start offering $$$.


Allen presented a draft list of graphics/graphic identities needs, which was expanded to include:

Trenchwood Labs graphic identity Chronos Labs graphic identity When/Chronos Labs graphic identity (ideally should somehow reflect a blending of the two previous identities) Paine Memorial High School student newspaper Paine Memorial High School student yearbook Caves of Time book (including cover art) Mix tape covers? Introductory Lecture--need help with Power Point & graphics [Erik said he could do that] Web site Science fair signage Fake art museum

Does anyone on the current team have the interest/skills to do this, or should we recruit? Wei-Hwa had expressed some interest.


We playtested Allen's Income Statement puzzle. He'll make a few changes and send it out to a remote playtester.

Sean walked us through Doug Bank's rough idea for the Send Me Back puzzle. It's sort of like "charades" so we had some concern whether it would work in a filmed-ahead-of-time, non-interactive format.
