
From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 04:19, 28 November 2009 by Onigame (talk | contribs)
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Idea by Dwight.

This version of the puzzle is by Wei-Hwa.


Required: A pre-1990 Boggle set.

age bag beg ben bevy
bey bilk eng fen fey
fib fie fil fix flu
gab gae gaen gawk gey
gyve ilk kibe kief kif
lib lie lief lien life
luv neb neif qua quag
uvea veg veil wab wae
waeful wag wage wife yea
yen zul

Solution Method

1. Assemble Boggle grid. 2. Read letters on bottom.


Unfortunately, with a modern Boggle set, the possible set of answer words is very constrained.

We'll have to create custom cubes if we want any real flexibility in the message.

Dwight suggesting adding a step, which is to read the 16 letters around the edge. Wei-Hwa thinks it would be better to keep the two reading methods separate for Act I and Act II, and it would probably be too constraining to do a two-layered version.