80s Trivia

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80s Trivia

General information can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980s

Dwight points out this useful list of 80s trivia:


"One fad that might lend itself well to a puzzle is a 'choose your own adventure book'. Seems like lots of ways to embed a puuzle in one of these; only downside is composing a bunch of purple prose. But there might even be some of these online that we could steal/manipulate.

"Perhaps a 4x5 array of pictures of 80's fad toys/games (Don't Tip the Waiter, Walkman, I Vant to Bite your Finger, Garbage Pail Kids, He-Man, Teddy Ruxpin, etc) be identified and then message extracted.

"For the ambitious, a space invaders or pacman simulation whose solution gives an appropriate msg."