
From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 07:22, 12 March 2012 by AllenCohn (talk | contribs) (Applications)
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Hello [teamname],

Your application has been received.  Thank you for your 
interest in our Grand Unveiling!  Once your application
has been reviewed by our faithful assistants, you will
be contacted by a representative of Trenchwood Institute
to schedule a brief presentation.
Hello [teamname],

Thank you for your interest in Trenchwood Institute!  We 
are pleased to invite you to present a sample of your 
finest work to a group of our hard-working lab assistants.  
(If you're lucky, Dr. Wesley When himself might attend 
your presentation!)  Based on your presentation and your 
previously-submitted application, we will be selecting 
organizations to attend our Grand Unveiling in March, 2012.

Please go to to 
sign up for a presentation slot (slots are first-come, 
first-served). Each presentation, including Q&A, should last 
approximately 15 minutes.  We would like as many members of 
your organization as possible to attend; if your organization 
is located outside of the San Francisco Bay Area, please 
provide a Skype ID at which we may contact you at the 
designated time to conduct your presentation via Skype video 
chat.  (You may provide this Skype ID via the Notes field of 
the scheduling tool and/or by email to [email protected].)

We will be adding new presentation slots soon to accommodate
the extended December 18th deadline, so please let us know if
you cannot meet any of the existing slots. 

If you have any questions about the presentation process, 
please email back and we will respond as quickly as we can.


Group Team Name Email From Application Date Roster Interviewed? Character Bio (In-character) Team Dossier (Out-of-character) Week
Government (original application was as Scientists) WHOMP Rebecca Gorton <[email protected]> December 17th, 3:11pm 4: Rebecca Gorton, Orion Auld, Brian Benson, Nicole Hanusek, Kirk Tarou (Dr. Albert Klein) - [email protected] 415-815-8808 Yes, 2012-1-14, 14:00 File:WHOMP Description and Scientists.docx File:WHOMP Team Info.docx 1
Government B.A.T.S.H.I.T. Alan Becker <[email protected]> December 1st, 1:21pm 5: Alan Becker, Arshad Tayyeb, Corby Anderson, Sara Maamouri, Mara Greenberg Yes, 2011-12-14, 20:40 File:BATSHIT Government Agency Application v3.docx File:B.A.T.S.H.I.T. Application - Real World Bios.docx 1
Government REDTaPE Kim Vlcek <[email protected]> December 1st, 4:22pm 7: Benjamin Andrews, James Eckman, Nicholas Fang, Shane Lile, Jayson McCleery, Andrew Rich, Kimberly Vlcek Yes, 2011-12-14, 21:20 (remote) File:REDTaPE - Project Doctor When.pdf 1
Government Government Efficiency Enterprise Doug Zongker <[email protected]> December 1st, 6:57pm 5: Corin Anderson, Daniel Egnor, Melinda Owens, Ian Tullis, Doug Zongker Yes, 2011-12-18, 13:00 File:Gee.pdf 1
Investors Futility Investments Kevin Cheng <[email protected]> December 1st, 12:00am 5: Kevin Cheng, Rion Snow, Scott San Filippo, Konstantin Gredeskoul, Patrick Ewing Yes, 2011-12-14, 20:00 File:Futilityinvestments-incharacter.rtf File:Futilityinvestment-outofcharacter.rtf 1
Investors Advipper Scott Pegg <[email protected]> December 1st, 11:23am 5: John Owens, Scott Pegg, Gordon Dow, Chris Harris, John Louie Yes, 2011-12-18, 13:20 File:The Advipper Group.pdf 1
Investors SharkBaitTank Investor Group Jessica Wallace <[email protected]> December 1st, 12:18am 5: Irwin Dolobowsky, Scott Blomquist, Jessica Wallace, Jennifer Blomquist, Derek Westcott YES, 2011-12-12, 20:20 (remote) File:DrWhen SharkBait.pdf 1
Investors Team Briny Deep, LLC Jeff Wallace <[email protected]> December 1st, 11:40pm 5: Jeff Wallace, Peter Sarrett, Kenny Young, Dana Young, Dann Webster Yes, 2011-12-18, 13:40 (remote) File:Introducing Team Briny Deep.docx File:Briny Deep Details.docx 1
Journalists Improbable Tech Magazine Philip Dasler <[email protected]> December 2nd, 12:41am 5: Philip Dasler, Robin Dasler, James Nelson III, Jasmine Dao, Emily Johnson Yes, 2011-12-18, 16:40 File:Improbable Tech Sample Issue.pdf File:ITM Team Data.pdf 1
Journalists Silly Hat Brigade Jett Jones <[email protected]> November 27th, 11:50pm 4: Jett Jones, Arthur Tomlin, Federico Gomez Suarez, Sergey Grankin Yes, 2011-12-18, 14:20 File:SillyHatBrigade InCharacter.docx File:SillyHatBrigade Vitae.docx 1
Journalists Judean GNUs Jonathan McCue<[email protected]> December 1st, 11:54pm 4: Jonathan McCue, Eric Prestemon, Kekoa Proudfoot, Cynthia Wong YES (12/6, Sean/Erik/W-H) File:The Judean GNUs - In Character Info.pdf File:The Judean GNUs - Team Info.pdf 1
Journalists The Elysian Post Yuan Niu <[email protected]> December 16th, 4:04pm 5: Yuan Niu, Michael Ogawa, Francis Hsu, Dan Alcantara, Ederlyn Lacson Yes, 2012-1-11, 20:00 File:Unwound-clockwork-org.pdf File:Unwound-clockwork.pdf 1
Scientists Ghost Patrol David Mendenhall <[email protected]> December 1st, 8:58pm 6: David Mendenhall, Brian Mendenhall, Jennifer Mendenhall, Matthew Kuhmann, Jennifer Moore, Rachel Gold Yes, 2011-12-14, 20:20 File:GP character info.docx File:GP team info.docx 1
Scientists NovaCarbonix Sunshine Weiss <[email protected]> December 1st, 12:55am 5: Amy Lee, Amy Riha, Ben Canant, Bill Walsh, Sunshine Weiss Yes, 2011-12-11, 11:20 File:NovaCarbonix1.pdf File:NovaCarbonix2.pdf 1
Scientists Institute for Modern Deliciousness David Barzelay <[email protected]> December 17th, 2:39am 4: David Barzelay, Colin Dinsmore, Dr. Chris Prince, Dr. Jeanette Barzelay, Ph.D. NO File:Institute for Modern Deliciousness (Institute Info).doc File:Institute for Modern Deliciousness (Team Info).doc 1
Scientists The Human Uplift Project Foundation Stephanie Geerlings <[email protected]> December 9th, 10:44pm (as Collide) 6: Denise Hill, Ted Scharff, Dan Blandford, Anita Roth, Kasima Tharnpipitchai, Stephanie Geerlings Yes, 2011-12-14, 21:00 File:DrWehn Application Collide Investment.pdf (old) File:Trenchwood Industries Mail - Uplift Foundation Application.pdf (new) 1
Government UMMM / The Puzzle Underground Curtis C. Chen <[email protected]> December 1st, 8:25pm 6: Ana Roeszler, Curtis Chen, Katie Wylie, Matt Cleinman, Rob Erickson, Victor Asteinza Yes, 2011-12-12, 20:00 (remote) File:Tpu doctorwhen app redux.pdf File:Tpu doctorwhen teaminfo.pdf 2
Government Laotian Coast Guard Christopher Breaux <[email protected]> December 1st, 9:47pm 5: Chris Breaux, Adam Grossman, Marlea Gemmel, Andrea Burbank, Michael Miller Yes, 2011-12-14, 19:20 File:Laotian Coast Guard Application.pdf 2
Government The Laundry Will Ramey <[email protected]> December 2nd, 12:18am 4: Will Ramey, Daniel Rohrer, Chris Holmes, Scott Cutler Yes, 2011-12-18, 16:00 File:The Laundry Profile.doc File:The Laundry Trenchwood Application.doc 2
Government (original application was as Scientists) X-com? (was Synergistic Studies of Symbiotic Systems) Sanders Chong <[email protected]> December 16th, 11:57pm 4: Diana Lam, Sanders Chong, Hamilton Chong, Eric Pai Yes, 2012-1-14, 13:00 File:S4 About Us.docx File:S4 Team.docx 2
Investors CashKids! (Bloodshot Incorporated) Bob Schaffer <[email protected]> December 1st, 8:37pm 6: Bob Schaffer, Robert Cheng, Dave Fisher, Mike Holzbaur, Nabeel Ibrahim, Bill Overall Yes, 2011-12-18, 14:40 File:CashKids.pdf File:BloodshotApplication.pdf 2
Investors 5 Blind Doobie Boys Jessen Yu <[email protected]> December 1st, 8:53pm 4: Charlie Graham, Jessen Yu, Martin Reinfried, Stribs Yes, 2011-12-18, 15:20 File:5BDB.pdf File:5BDBGameExperience.pdf 2
Investors SkyMall Investment Group (Coed Astronomy) Jan Chong <[email protected]> November 30th, 8:46pm 6: Jan Chong, Yar Woo, Dale Neal, Linnsey Miller, Crystal Chen, Justin Santamaria Yes, 2011-12-18, 14:00 File:Coedastronomy-CharacterBio.pdf File:Coedastronomy-TeamDossier.pdf 2
Investors Quantum Bank Soja-Marie Morgens <[email protected]> December 2nd, 12:43am 5: Soja Marie-Morgens, Jade Wang, Nathan Saichek, Brian Klug, James Xie Yes, 2011-12-18, 15:40 File:Quantum Bank information.doc File:Out of Character team information.doc 2
Journalists Mystic Fishwrap Alexandra Dixon <[email protected]> December 1st, 10:37pm 5: Alexandra Dixon, David Hill, Larry Hosken, Rex Miller, Sarah Barnum Yes, 2011-12-14, 19:40 File:Mystic fishwrap when application 1.pdf File:Mystic fishwrap when application 2.pdf 2
Journalists Kook's Illustrated (was B.O.S.S., was Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow) Greg deBeer <[email protected]> January 7, 10:40am 4: Greg DeBeer, Andrew Hertz, Jen Moore, Jesse Morris NO File:BOSSintro.pdf File:BossTeamInfo.pdf 2
Journalists Nekketsu Inquirer Paul Barclay <[email protected]> December 1st, 10:50pm 6?: Brandon Bozzi, Paul Barclay, Paul Sottosanti, Rachel Reynolds, Aaron Vanderbeek, Paul Levy, plus one expendable intern Yes, 2011-12-14, 21:40 File:Nekketsu Inquirer.doc File:Nekketsu Team Information.doc 2
Journalists The Mail Room (Puzzle Rangers) Dan Scheidegger <[email protected]> December 11th, 11:25pm 4: Dan Scheidegger, Christopher Yao, Alex Koff, Ellen Choi Yes, 2012-1-14, 14:20 File:In character application.docx File:Puzzlerangers application.docx 2
Scientists Hollowmen Technologies Scott McKuen <[email protected]> December 16th, 8:48pm 4: Brian Babcock, Bethany Blackwell, Anna Hentzel Johnson, Scott McKuen Yes, 2012-1-14, 14:40 [[1]] [[2]] 2
Scientists Mystery Boneless Bones Machine Linda Holman <[email protected]> December 1st, 5:22pm 5: Brent Holman, David Andre, Linda Holman, Rich Bragg, Todd Etter Yes, 2011-12-14, 19:00 File:MBBM-Overview.pdf File:MBBM-Experience.pdf 2
Scientists F.A.I.L. Albert Cheng <[email protected]> December 16th, 11:59pm 5: Kiyomi Nodohara, Michael Mai, Hansel Chung, Albert Cheng, Henry "En Fuego" Tam Yes, 2012-1-11, 20:20 File:F.A.I.L.pdf 2
Scientists (original application was as Government) The Eggs-Men (originally Department of Farmland Security) Mark Gottlieb <[email protected]> December 1st, 10:37pm 5: Mark Gottlieb, Tanis O'Connor, Matt Tabak, Chad Brown, Teeuwynn Woodruff Yes, 2011-12-18, 15:00 (remote) File:DFS characters.docx File:DFS info.docx 2
Scientists URMOM Kai Huang <[email protected]> January 25th 6: Ariel Rideout, Edward Huang, Girts Folkmanis, Kai Huang, Nicholas Behrens, Zoe Ouyang NO 1
Government Little Harolds Brett Rogers <[email protected]> N/A 4: Brett Rogers, Chris Maliwat, Anne Stern, Cully ? NO none none 2

(Potential) Playtesters

Names/Contact Interested in Playing? Reason for not playing
Mason Kong & Davinna Ohlson ([email protected], [email protected]) NO Too expensive
League of Extraordinary Puzzlemen (Nick Baxter - [email protected]), Tyler Hinman ([email protected]) NO In FULL PLAYTEST
Kiran Kedlaya ([email protected]) NO In FULL PLAYTEST with his girlfriend and Danny Arbeiter's team
Jeremiah Lee ([email protected]) NO Team isn't into the "character role-play" thing; has done a mini-playtest session (so can't do full playtest)
Chris Lopez / We're Doomed NO Not into roleplaying "20% roleplaying is 15% too much"
Rachel Weinstein <[email protected]> (XX-Rated) YES Would be willing to play on a pickup team (can't make full playtest)
Anne Stern <[email protected]> YES Would like to play, does not have a team
Eric Goldlust <[email protected]> YES In discussions to get on pick up team for full playtest (don't think he got on, though)
Chris Maliwat <[email protected]> YES Potentially interested in the actual game (lives in NY but could coordinate a business trip with our dates) Knows Anne Stern and would enjoy playing with her.
Hristo Gyoshev <[email protected]> NO Unspecified - not interested in full playtest
Pavel Curtis <[email protected]> NO 12/26 bowed out of pickup team for full playtest (means he's not interested in full playtest)
Kendra Hershey <[email protected]> NO Unspecified (not interested in full playtest)
Kevin Der <[email protected]> NO "interested in playtesting and would be able to attend with a group of 3-4 people." (not interested in full playtest)
Richard Chiburis <[email protected]> NO In FULL PLAYTEST with one friend (Grace Chu) and Deanna's team
Danny Arbeiter <[email protected]> NO In FULL PLAYTEST with 3 friends and Kiran Kedlaya and his girlfriend
Paul Chou NO (did a mini-playtest session, so can't do full playtest)
Han Chou NO (did a mini-playtest session, so can't do full playtest)
Trisha Quan <[email protected]> NO Not interested in full playtest (was: Team is interested in the Feb 11 playtest.)
Steve Huntsberry YES May try to get on pickup team for full game.
Susan Czigany <[email protected]> NO Unclear interest - several recent emails with no response
Lauren Lax NO (did a mini-playtest session, so can't do full playtest)
Daniel Rosenfeld NO (did a mini-playtest session, so can't do full playtest)
Disobedient Children (Darby Kimball et al.) <[email protected]> <[email protected]> NO In FULL PLAYTEST
Deanna Rubin <[email protected]> NO In FULL PLAYTEST with Mike Janney, Drew Hoskins, and Richard Chiburis' team