1.03 Tachyon Midi Ether Co-Keypad 1

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 19:58, 15 February 2012 by Onigame (talk | contribs) (Response to Correct Answer)






Status: "Dorian Clair Laboratories" -- actually Dorian Clair Antique Clock Repair, 1301 Sanchez Street San Francisco, CA 94131-2005

GC PoC: Allen, (650) 395-8463, lab@trenchwood.com

Parking: Street, some metered

Notes: Done deal; agreed to by Dorian Claire


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

(Obsolete) The solution to the previous puzzle tells Prof. Chronos to examine the machine's Midi Ether Co-Keypads, which turn out to be defective. ("Wesley never was any good at keypads...luckily I did my dissertation on them!") She needs 20 replacements...and luckily there are 20 teams!

How To Give To Teams

After solving Core Dump 1 at the Institute, Prof. Chronos tells them to go to Dorian Clair (see script at 1.02 Core Dump#Response to Correct Answer). An on-site lab assistant should give them a printout and then contact GC HQ to tell them that the team is on their way. At GC HQ, a lab assistant should enter the team's time leaving the Institute into the online tracking system and send out this supplemental email:

Research Project Title: Co-keypad
Objective: Design a replacement for broken Tachyon Midi-Ether Co-Keypad #34
Location:  Laboratory of Prof. Dorian Claire, 1301 Sanchez Street San Francisco
Upon Completion: Email picture of design to Institute at lab@trenchwood.com
Parking:  Street, some metered
Bathrooms At Location:  None
Food At Location:  Restaurants and cafes a few blocks away
Other Notes: We do not expect you to need anything from Professor Claire
 once you get the kit and any necessary specifications.  If you have
 trouble designing the replacement, you can either email or call us
 for help, or you may ask Professor Claire.


  • 55 blank keypad sheets (3 per team + 7 spares)
  • 35 copies of Connections Requirements Analysis for Pad #34 (2 per team + 3 spares);
  • 17 sets of keypad kits (1 per team + 1 spare)
  • Lab coat -- WEAR THIS
  • "Dorian Clair Laboratories" name badge and lanyard -- WEAR THIS

Plot Point to Convey

The machine is partially fixed after co-keypad designs are sent to the Institute, new co-keypads are manufactured and installed.

Short Description

Team designs new co-keypad based on specifications from Prof. Dorian Claire to replace damaged one.

Open Time Period

Saturday, 9:50 AM to 13:30 (1:30 PM)

We expect the earliest possible to team to leave the lab at around 9:30 AM, and the latest to leave around 11:00 AM. It's about a 30-minute drive, and teams might stop for lunch. The playtest teams took 103-145 minutes to finish this event (including driving time and lunch), so you may need to stick around until 13:30 for hints and support.

Staff Instructions

Site Setup: Call or e-mail GC so we know you are ready to receive teams. Have your props ready.

Your Role: You're either Professor Dorian Clair, or you're his/her lab assistant. You've been working on the design of midi-ether co-keypads with Prof. Chronos and have kits, but you have never actually made a working one. There are millions of possible configurations so you won't be able to help the team until they actually give you the proper number (34). You do not know about Doctor When or the Grand Unveiling and as far as you know, Prof. Chronos is still in New England.

Handout Script:


Prof. Clair, we need your help! Doctor When has become lost in time because one of the tachyon midi ether co-keypads within his time machine failed.


I'm sorry, who sent you here again?


Professor Catherine Chronos.


Professor Chronos? Here! I thought she was in New England. But that's terrible! Of course I'll help. Unfortunately I've never created a complete tachyon midi ether co-keypad; the materials are way too finicky. But I do have a design kit that should help. [Hands players the kit.] Here is an assembly kit, as well as a few blank sheets with instructions. Unfortunately, this won't do you much good unless you have a Connection Requirements Analysis Printout. There are millions of configurations and I’ll need to know the keypad number to get you the right piece of CRAP. You wouldn't happen to have the number of the co-keypad that was broken, would you?


Number 34.


Ah yes, I should have guessed. Prof. Chronos always knew that one was going to be finicky. I’ll get my assistant to print out the Connection Requirements Analysis Printout; with that and the kit, you should be able to figure out a good design to photograph and send to Professor Chronos. [Gets printout and hands it to team.]

Site Close Down:

  • Thank the host (Dorian Clair Clock Repair). They're nice people.
  • Call or e-mail GC to tell us you're shutting down.

Other Instructions:

  • Stay in character.
  • Except ... if a team says "time out," break character and help them.

Detailed Description

Puzzle Answer

(if prompted: username: tester, password: streetsetter)


Puzzle Solution


A set of three keypads is $4.75 from Electronic Surplus. Wei-Hwa bought 34 sets (in case some get destroyed during prototyping). Total price, $181.50 (including $20 shipping).

More will be needed for the cases.


Wei-Hwa - concept, prototype, implementation




Response to Correct Answer

See 1.04 Choose Your Own Adventure#How To Give To Teams.

To Do

Other Notes

This is a "trainer" puzzle for a series of them appearing later in the act.