1.12 Consolidation 1

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 12:39, 15 February 2012 by Onigame (talk | contribs) (Text replace - "==Location Status==" to "==Location== '''Status''': something '''GC PoC''': someone '''Parking''': N/A '''Notes''': None")






Status: something

GC PoC: someone

Parking: N/A

Notes: None No reservation needed; president of neighborhood association, Mark Scardina, has said it's okay

GC Point of Contact


Location Notes

Urbano Sundial


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

Players have managed to help Doctor When "fix the timeline" by sending back the letter...but apparently there's one more technical fix they have to help with before Doctor When can be returned to the present.


  • Leaderboard display
  • Server(s) for submitting solutions

Plot Point to Convey

Short Description

Final fix before Doctor can be returned to the present.

Detailed Puzzle Description

Technical Setup

USE trenchwood;
  • Clean out the solved puzzle table
    • Log in to mysql on wei-Hwa's server (username: laboratory, password: forscience), then run:
TRUNCATE TABLE assignments;
  • Clean out the log
rm /home/www/doctorwhen/trenchwood.com/public_html/keypad/log/*
  • If you need to regenerate the team information:
    • Make sure /home/whuang/public_html/nodir/doctorwhen/gross/teams.csv is correct
    • run this SQL:
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/whuang/public_html/nodir/doctorwhen/gross/teams.csv'
 INTO TABLE solvers
  IGNORE 1 LINES (solver_id, name, role_id, passcode, present, fake);
  • If you need to regenerate the puzzle information (god I hope not), this will recreate the release_info and scores tables:
 mysql -Dpeachfrontier -u laboratory --password=forscience < /home/whuang/prog/keypad/puzinfo.sql

How To Give To Teams

Lab assistant over the phone says words to the effect of,

Success is in our grasp. But the temporal flux lines have shifted. To watch the live feed from the View-O-Scope of us finally rescuing Doctor When you need to meet up with the lab assistant at the Urbano Sundial across the street from 30 Entrada Court in San Francisco.

Call Wei-Hwa when each teams starts heading to Urbano--one call for each team.


Research Project Title: View The Rescue Of Doctor When
Objective: Travel to where the View-O-Scope Computer Remote Access Program can pick up the signal of Doctor When finally being rescued
Location: Urbano Sundial (a/k/a Ingleside Terraces Sundial), 30 Entrada Court, San Francisco
Upon Completion: Speak with any lab assistant on site
Parking: Street
Bathrooms At Location: No
Food At Location: No

Teams then travel to location.

Lab assistant on site says,

Thank God you're here. Just a few hours ago we discovered that the damage to the Midi-Ether Co-Keypads was much more extensive than we thought; apparently while #34 was out of commission (thank you for repairing that, by the way) the extra load on the time machine translated to extra stress and soon more of the Co-Keypads blew up. And of course that created a positive feedback loop so soon...
(early teams) ...things are going to get really out of hand if we don’t enough help soon.
(later teams) …things got really out of hand, so we need as much help as we can get.
So we’re calling in all the stops. We’ve got you, all the other guests you saw at the Grand Unveiling, as well as teams from all over the country -- Journalists, Scientists, Government Officials, Investors. And of course the lab assistants back at Trenchwood are working on this heavily as well.
I don’t have any experience managing groups this large, so we did a quick web search for “gross repair operations,” and the first thing we found was this management software called “Gross Repair Operations Supervision System,” so I’m trying to learn how to use that. Since you’ve been so excellent at repairing things like the Brain-O-Matic, consider yourself a repair crew now!
Let’s see... I’m supposed to give you this User’s Manual, this login sheet, and, ah yes, you’ve been assigned to two TASCs, so you’ll need these two Connection Requirements Analysis for Pads. I’m sure since you were the ones who repaired #34 that you’ll have no problem handling this. As you finish re-designing the Co-Keypads, the system will be telling you to give me designs to enter in to fix them.
I have a very good feeling that if we can just get all the Midi-Ether Co-Keypads working again, we’ll finally be able to get the Doctor back. Thanks again for all your help.

Puzzle Answer

The event is over when all co-keypad puzzles are solved. GC will regulate the pace by having "lab assistants" artificially solve some puzzles, timing it to end shortly after the last team arrives.

Puzzle Solution

Same as Co-Keypad A event.






Response to Correct Answer

Lab assistant on site says words to the effect of:

Hooray, you've done it! By working together you've rescued Doctor When. Let's watch.
The Act I Scenes 3 & 4 are played on the big screen. Then lab assistant announces:
Hooray, you've rescued Doctor When! Now it's time to return to the lab for debriefing.
Hold it...there's a bit of residual tachyonic radiation at the lab...probably wouldn't cause sterility.
Well, those darn government regulators might object. Why don't you just let it die down a bit. Wait till 9 PM. Perhaps you could get yourself some dinner between now and then--here's a list of nearby restaurants. But definitely don't go back before 9 PM. We really, really, do not want to get into any trouble with government regulators; I’ve heard that filling out their forms is impossible!

To Do

  • Design server software.
  • Test deployment with LAN.

Other Notes