2.13 Consolidation 2

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 18:08, 5 February 2012 by Onigame (talk | contribs) (Detailed Puzzle Description)





Location Status


GC Point of Contact

Erik & Melissa

Location Notes

Paine Memorial High School gym the week before the 2012 science fair


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

Players have helped Doctor When get the time machine working again. And Prof. Chronos has her locker combination (for whatever reson she needs it). The players think they're going to the gym to hang out until they can see her return.

[old text--was this important? change the past but need to make one last technical fix before they can return her to the present. Apprently faulty chronomentometers are to blame for all those alterations in the Fabric of Time]


Each team gets, upon arrivale

Plot Point to Convey

Once all the chronomentometers are fixed, Prof. Chronos can safely be returned to the present-day lab.

Short Description

Final fix before Prof. Chronos can be returned to the present.

Detailed Puzzle Description

640 chronomentometer puzzles must be collectively solved by the teams. They work together in mild competition until all teams have arrived.

A not-completely-working version of GROSS is available at:


(remember that the password to get through testing security is tester / streetsetter)

There are 16 teams, numbered 1 through 16. Their passcodes are aaaaaa, bbbbbb, cccccc, etc.

The intention is to have a display dashboard that we put up on the big screen that everyone sees, as well as an admin console for management tasks, which only GC sees.

The admin console is at:


The display dashboard isn't written yet.

I've designed GROSS to display properly on smartphones and Internet-enabled tablets, although if anyone would like to test the UI on an Iphone I'd like to hear the results.

It'll be blindingly obvious once you log in and when you see the display dashboard that individual team information is anonymized and only role information is shared. At least, that's my hope.

There are going to be 256 co-keypad TASCs (I expect teams to solve 100-160 of them), and 640 chronomentometer puzzles (I expect the teams to solve 300-400 of them).

Here's my thoughts on logistics.

We have on-hand: ACT1:

 * 400 blank co-keypad submission sheets (in B&W)
 * all 256 co-keypad TASCs printed (in color)
 * 32 GROSS User's Manuals (2 per team)
 * Login/passcode sheets; contain the URL (text and QR-code format, for ease
   of smartphone access), and hand-written team name and 6-letter passcodes.
 * When a team arrives, we hand them 2 User's Manuals, 5 blank co-keypad
   submission sheets, and their login/passcode sheet.  They also get two TASCs
   that were automatically assigned to them.


 * 100 blank *reusable* chronomentometer sheets
 * 32 GROSS User's Manuals (2 per team)
 * Login/passcode sheets; contain the URL (text and QR-code format, for ease
   of smartphone access), and hand-written team name and 6-letter passcodes.
 * When a team arrives, we hand them 2 User's Manuals, 5 blank chronomentometer
   submission sheets, and their login/passcode sheet.

Requesting a TASC: ACT1:

 When a team requests a TASC, it takes them to a page that tells them to
 come to the GC's desk to pick up the specs.  The system also notifies
 the GC staffer that the team is coming so they can find the sheet (out of 256).
 GC staffer gives them the sheet and assigns the TASC in the system.


 The system automatically assigns teams TASCs when they request one
 (subject to the QUIT and other limits).

Abandoning a TASC: ACT1:

 When a team abandons a TASC, it takes them to a page that tells them to
 RETURN the TASC sheet to the GC's desk.  The system also notifies
 the GC staffer that the team is coming so they can put the sheet back.


 The system automatically abandons TASCs for teams on request.

Viewing/Fixing an assigned TASC: ACT1:

 When a team views a TASC, they see an on-line duplicate of what is already
 on their TASC sheet (a backup in case the sheet gets lost).  They fix the TASC
 by submitting a filled-in sheet to GC.  They don't have to return the TASC.
 GC checks the sheet against a master solution key, and if it is correct, the
 TASC is marked fixed; otherwise, GC logs that the team was incorrect and
 notifies the team.


 The system shows the TASC to the team on-line.  They also submit
 their solutions online and the system automatically credits them.

Other logistics: ACT1:

 Teams will run out of blank co-keypad sheets as they are used up for submission.
 We'll have a bin where teams can grab extras.

Undecided issues:

  • In Act 1, how does GC notify the team that their solution was incorrect? Some
 ** E-mail (needs GC effort)
 ** In-system notification (needs more programming :( )
 ** Go find the team and talk to them (needs time/volunteers)
 ** Throw it in the logs on the big display dashboard

Other notes:

 There are five "fake teams" -- the "Lab" and one team from each faction.  The "fake

teams" solve TASCs periodically -- namely, the system makes suggestions and the human GC member approves them. The goal is to keep the five total SCOREs close. Yes, it's not fair. Neither is Mario Kart. Needed: handwavy technobabble to explain how it is possible for, say, Journalists to be fixing TASCs when there clearly aren't any Journalist teams there. Something about the components synchronizing with alternative timelines.

How To Give To Teams

The good news is that for maximum safety the Professor's quantum chronomentometer has a redundant 1,000 module design.
The bad news is that almost all 1,000 modules failed when Doctor When sent the locker combination back. So we need your help designing more.
Why sure!
Now that we have the Da Vinci Datamaster supercomputer working (thank you very much!) we got it to compute the starting specifications for each module. But we need everyone's help to complete the designs. So please take a design template, fill it in, return it to a lab assistant, and then grab another. You can watch our overall progress on the screen.

Puzzle Answer

Puzzle Solution






Response to Correct Answer

Head lab assistant announces words to the effect of,

You've done it! Now we can watch how everything unfold in 1986.

To Do

  • Design server software for accepting answers
  • Test on LAN

Other Notes