2.03 Invalid Permit

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 01:03, 22 January 2012 by Onigame (talk | contribs) (Puzzle Answer)





Location Status


GC Point of Contact

Erik & Melissa

Location Notes

Trenchwood Institute


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

None required


Eight sheets of paper.

Plot Point to Convey

Prof. Chronos is willing to be a bit sneaky if needed.

Short Description

A government regulator threatens to shut down the lab unless a seemingly impossible series of forms are filled out correctly.

Detailed Description

How To Give To Teams

Lab assistant hands to team and says words to the effect of,

You’ve got to help! See that guy over there? He’s the new government inspector and he says he’s going to shut us down because we don’t have a valid operating permit. We can’t shut down—we need to keep operating so we can save Prof. Chronos!
I thought we took care of this permit long ago. First I tried to fill out the eight required forms myself…but you know how impossible government forms are to fill out.
So Prof. Chronos took the forms from me, filled them out, and met with the old inspector. She assured me everything was all taken care of…and if there was ever any problem to just refer to the forms she filed.
Now this new guy shows up…says he doesn’t know anything about what the old guy did...and that our forms aren’t valid! I looked at them and he’s right: the Professor filled out the top part!
Will you please look at the forms and fix this mess? You can submit forms to the inspector for his approval.

Puzzle Answer

The puzzle solves to the phrase:

The 8 "forms" are impossible; but-fortunately-bribery will work.

For teams to successfully solve the puzzle, they must roleplay bribing the GC member playing "Dickless," the government regulator.

Puzzle Solution



  • Allen: concept, prototype
  • Wei-Hwa: revision, development




Response to Correct Answer

GC member playing "Dickless," the government regulator, signs off on the overall operating permit.

To Do

Create and playtest version 2.

Other Notes