2.00 Sign In Act 2

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 14:17, 11 January 2012 by AllenCohn (talk | contribs) (Response to Correct Answer)





Location Status


GC Point of Contact

Erik & Melissa

Location Notes

Peach Frontier Laboratories


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

Players have all come to see Doctor When's return from time...but instead will sign in for a presentation by Prof. Chronos. They get a puzzle as part of the sign-in process.


Badges for the participants as well as the puzzle. Flyer for reception at art history museum.

Plot Point to Convey

  • This is a new timeline...none of the actors or GC have any knowledge of what went on in Act I since for them it didn't happen
  • The players have all been invited to witness the unveiling of Prof. Chronos's life's achievement.

Short Description

Signing in to presentation is a complicated puzzle that requires collaboration between different roles.

Detailed Puzzle Description

This puzzle is isomorphic to the 4-desk version of Robert Abbott's Bureaucratic Maze.

Journalist = Purple (was Yellow, but the Yellow crayon doesn't show up very well)
Official = Blue
Scientist = Red
Investor = Green

More description goes here.

How To Give To Teams

In person receptionist(s) gives to team with text on pp. 24-25 of script. After intro, teams enter Peach Frontier Laboratories and do puzzle.

Puzzle Answer

A correct answer should end in Red-Blue-Red-Green-Purple.

Puzzle Solution

Here are some different points of discovery for the players:

  • Noticing the implicit hint from the instructions that it is impossible to get two identically-colored signatures in a row.
  • Noticing that there is one particular set that doesn't seem to have an exit -- Green+Purple.
  • Finding the way to get to that exit.


  • Crayons.
  • Color Printing.


  • Author: Wei-Hwa
  • Flavor: Erik




Response to Correct Answer

In person lab assistant says words to the effect of:

Your C.R.A.P. looks good.  Now we just have to wait for the other visitors to complete their forms.
While you're waiting, here is a preview of the reception we're hosting after the demonstration.  The prestigious San Mateo International Museum Of Pretentious Art is letting us in for a private viewing.  You're in for the time of your life!

To Do

  • Instructions need to make it clear that the goal is to find the dead end, not to fill out the form. Recommend the last tip change to something like "When it is no longer legal for any other attendee to sign your form, you are done. Please bring the completed form to a staff member."
  • Also add "In the unlikely eventuality that you run out of space on this form, please see a staff member for additional pages."
  • Some note that a player may not "un-sign" a form.
  • We expect to give each member on a team a form, and the team is only done when all members have a successful form. The text should make it clear that each team member can sign separately, but team members may collude and share information with each other. However, teams may not collude with other teams.
  • Instructions can be printed in color.

Other Notes

Second Draft of the puzzle, in DOC form:

First Draft of the puzzle, in DOC form:

This draft was playtested on 9/15. Erik and Sean each took 32 minutes to solve it.