Debrief from Game Week 1

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Loose collection of amusing anecdotes, hitches to fix, etc.

Pre-game Setup

Act 1 Registration

We definitely need photos of each team, for the Apple II payoff at the very end. It worked great for week 1, we weren't missing any photos, and the teams that got to see it loved it. Traffic flow in getting the photos was a problem, especially when it had to be repeated for Act 3. If we collect them later, like after they solve Core Dump1, we'll need to think up a justification that feels as natural as registration. Maybe, "before sending you out, we'll need a photograph so we can prep our field agents for your arrival." -Sean

Act 1 Lecture

Core Dump 1

Co-Keypad 1




Send Me Back

Fabric of Time

Did we give them all out? did we have enough, or run out too soon? did the strips stay glued well enough, or do we need better glue for next week? -Sean

Figure out where letter is

Fetch The Letter Part 1

How did it go? was anyone confused or frustrated about what they were supposed to do? did they enjoy the grabber challenge? -Sean

Fetch The Letter Part 2

Role Puzzle

Co-Keypad 2

Act 1 Finale

Act 2 Setup

Registration Maze

Act 2 Lecture

Core Dump 2

Invalid Permits

Chronomentometer 1

Mix Tape

No troubles here. Both tape decks got loaned out, glad we had them and that they worked fine. Also had 2 CDs on hand, just in case, but didn't need them. Might burn a couple more for extra safety next weekend. -Sean

Quantum Time Vibrations

Art History

Heard from Crissy that the owner was kinda grumpy, but didn't show up until the very end, so players only saw his very pleasant staff. Crissy buttered him up by telling him most of these people live locally, and how they had commented on what a great find it was, never knew it was here, etc. Seemed to mollify him. -Sean

Fix the View-O-Scope

Faculty Christmas Party

Locker Combo

Hitch during setup, players beat me to the site. Someone else should be assigned to set up the gym banner and clock, so I can go straight to principal's office. -Sean

Locate the missing Kobe Bryant poster. Might be at the bottom of the bin, I was expecting a poster roll and didn't dig under stuff that looked like playtest remnants. -Sean

Handled wide variety of expectations with creative role-play. Bottlenecked a couple times, kicked out teams after 5 minutes if someone was waiting. No more than 2 teams ever waiting at a time. Had to nerf it for final 5 teams, wrote the missing combo right on the sheet -- they didn't seem to mind. Too tired to think straight anyway, and still enjoyed hunting around the room, with incremental prodding from me as needed. Next week, need a more solid plan of what time to begin nerfing. -Sean

Transition to 1986 had hitches. No time for me to tear it down before Act 2 conclusion, and Deanna needed my help setting it up for Act 3 at the last minute. Let's get this more clearly assigned and spelled out in the instructions; post-its on the materials weren't sufficient alone. -Sean

Restaurant Coupons

Role Puzzle(s)

Chronomentometer 2

The lab assistants had the highest score at the end. I thought they were supposed to make an early showing, then get trounced by the teams, for victory morale. Sod the total count, let the machine start working at 50% capacity or something -- let the teams feel triumph! -Sean

Act 2 Finale

Big complaints (via Facebook) about double-stall. Best proposed solution I've heard so far is to inform early teams there will be a break between acts, and ask if they'd prefer to wait and see it together or watch it independently on DVD and take a longer uninterrupted break. -Sean

Act 3 Setup

One player (from Futility Investment) commented how much he enjoyed seeing Tiresias demoted back to the "corded cordless vacuum" (as Thomas dubbed it) after such close interaction during act II. -Sean

Act 3 Lecture

Yearbook 1

Calibration Redux

Mission Training

Should we allow cameras in 1986? It would alleviate congestion at the dumpster, and also Presidents and lunch. -Sean




Yearbook 2

Lunch puzzle

Science Fair

Wash them sheets! They're filthy with diet coke. -Sean

Need an additional staffer to replace Sean as Ken's assistant, setting up coke/mentos rig. -Sean

Put the Apple II on the left wall, more easily visible from front door. Stay attentive to players entering, make sure they get plot closure. See if I can repair my other Apple II in time, and set them both up so the fortune teller can get twice the traffic. -Sean


Don't send them out of the room after Buffy's last line, just start the party. Best suggestion I heard yet is to have Wesley and Catherine step outside and Buffy step into the machine, briefly turn off the lights to signal end of show, then have cast and crew line up for a quick bow / curtain call at the front. Then it's party and cake time. -Sean

Post-game Clean Up