2.13 Consolidation 2

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 17:50, 26 January 2012 by AllenCohn (talk | contribs) (Response to Correct Answer)





Location Status


GC Point of Contact

Erik & Melissa

Location Notes

Paine Memorial High School gym the week before the 2012 science fair


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

Players have helped Doctor When get the time machine working again. And Prof. Chronos has her locker combination (for whatever reson she needs it). The players think they're going to the gym to hang out until they can see her return.

[old text--was this important? change the past but need to make one last technical fix before they can return her to the present. Apprently faulty chronomentometers are to blame for all those alterations in the Fabric of Time]


Plot Point to Convey

Once all the chronomentometers are fixed, Prof. Chronos can safely be returned to the present-day lab.

Short Description

Final fix before Prof. Chronos can be returned to the present.

Detailed Puzzle Description

Hundreds of mentometer puzzles must be collectively solved by the teams. They work together in mild competition until all teams have arrived.

Puzzle Answer

Puzzle Solution






Response to Correct Answer

Head lab assistant announces words to the effect of,

You've done it! Now we can watch how everything unfold in 1986.

To Do

  • Design server software for accepting answers
  • Test on LAN

Other Notes