Character Biographies

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 20:41, 8 March 2011 by AllenCohn (talk | contribs) (Doctor Wesley When, age 43 (Act I and III, Denouement))

Spoilers Ahoy!

The following biographies are not authoritative. They are merely a starting point for the actors and script-writers to key off of. Also, feel free to modify them.

Young Wesley When, age 18 (all acts)

Young Wesley is brilliant, driven...and tenacious. Once he sets his mind to something he won't let go. He is (naively) confident...even optimistic...that if he just applies his scientific mind, things will work out for him (despite how much he's a tormented nerd in high school), he'll get the girl, and he'll end up on top...just like Bill Gates!

His best times are those spent with his best friend, Catherine Chronos, whom he respects enormously (though he's so clueless he doesn't pick up that she's into him romantically). He realizes he's a high school social outcast and tells everyone that doesn't matter. He is infatuated with Buffy the cheerleader, in part because she's smokin' hot and he has raging teenage boy hormones...and in part (though he'd never admit it--even to himself), because being paired with her would earn him some social acceptance.

Young Catherine Chronos, age 18 (all acts)

Young Catherine is just as brilliant as Wesley...but also has a the soul of an artist (though perhaps she's a better scholar of art than creator). Perhaps the bravura of her over-the-top Cyndi Lauper-esque fashion masks a bit of insecurity...and allows her to hold people at a distance before they have a chance to reject her.

Her best times are those spent with her best friend, Wesley When, whom she respects enormously (even though the stupid boy is so clueless at times...such as pining for that cheerleader when *anyone* can see that she is the perfect match for him...sigh).

Young Buffy, age 18 (all acts)

Young Buffy is on top of the world. She's hot, she's head cheerleader, and all the boys fall at her feet. What people don't know about her is that she craves constant attention and external validation to numb this nagging sense that all this glitz is rather empty. Why do all these questions keep running around in her brain, tainting her success? Yes, she's mean to the nerds and geeks...because she's afraid she's like them. Would the cool kids still accept her if they found out she did her own calculus homework?

Doctor Wesley When, age 43 (Act I and III)

Adult Wesley When is just as brilliant and driven and tenacious as his younger self. But now bitterness has displaced his optimism of youth. He didn't get the girl. Things *didn't* work out for the best. And now he's not just a social outcast, he's an outcast from the scientific community--his people!

Who would have imagined that his high school days would have been the best days of his least those spent with his dearest friend, Prof. Chronos. Now unfortunately she's on the other coast, but at least they communicate regularly by email and she's here to cheer on his triumph.

Professor Catherine Chronos, age 43 (Act I and III)

Professor Chronos is a shy and introverted scientist. Although the world's foremost expert on Tachyon Midi-ether co-keypad ring theory, her work is mostly theoretical. She was somewhat surprised when 10 years ago, out of nowhere, her old high school crush Wesley When had some questions about her work seemingly out of the blue, that showed an strong understanding of the theory she had developed. In the last ten years, Wesley has turned her work and some of his into a seemingly-practical time machine, although she has some worry about whether it will work as well as he says it will. Working closely with Wesley has rekindled her attraction to him, but her overtures are always ignored. She tells herself that maybe he does have feelings for her subconsciously, and that perhaps after this project is over she will try to be more aggressive and get him to find that affection for her. She has helped develop most of the theory of the time machine, but she doesn't understand most of the mechanical and physical devices that has gone into it.

When the time machine fails and When is lost in time, Catherine finds herself scrambling to understand the machine that she only understands the groundwork for.

Professor Catherine Chronos, age 43 (Act II)

Driven independent scientist.

Doctor Wesley When, age 43 (Act II)

Henpecked and timid scientist.

Buffy When, age 43 (Act II)


Ty the Janitor (Act III)

Tiresias the Almighty Janitor.

Doctor Wesley When, age 43 (Denouement)

Happy married.

Professor Catherine Chronos, age 43 (Denouement)

Happy married.

Buffy the Lab Assistant, age 43 (Denouement)

The Stinger.