3.12 Yearbook (Jiffy Pop) Puzzle, Closing the Loop

From DoctorWhen
Revision as of 00:11, 16 January 2012 by (talk) (Puzzle Solution)





Location Status


GC Point of Contact

Erik & Melissa

Location Notes

Doctor When's laboratory


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

The time portal will not allow travel until the time stream paradox is resolved. The players must figure out who sent them the mysterious instructions, and make sure they get sent from the right time.


Each teams' original Jiffy Pop gadget; "presidents poster"

Plot Point to Convey

The team sent the mysterious message to themselves, from their own future.

Short Description

Re-construct the puzzle that was received earlier.

Detailed Description

Like the slogan for "Jiffy Pop" popcorn, this puzzle is supposed to be as fun to make as it is to solve. They've already solved it, now they make it. They are sent to the school Journalism room to insert their puzzle into the yearbook, assembled according to pattern established by a nearby poster of U.S. Presidents.

Puzzle Answer

Submission of correct configuration is approved by GC staffer

Puzzle Solution

The journalism office has a poster showing two grids:

1) 44 presidents (the 1st 40, plus the 4 slots for the presidents elected post-1986) in the "hourglass" configuration from the solution of the first Jiffy Pop puzzle.

2) Below this, another grid in a different shape with numbers 1-44.

Players take the pieces from the "hourglass" configuration and reassemble them into the lower "poem" configuration, by finding the piece associated with the George Washington place on the president grid and placing it in slot #1 on the lower grid, finding the piece associated with John Adams and placing it in slot #2, and so on.

When done, the "poem" grid has a row of four pieces, four rows of nine pieces each, and a final row of four pieces. The configuration also has a pattern with a blue X on alternating red and yellow columns.

The poem reads:

On the Unused Future Trapped in loops in time unable to go right Words in the newspaper will help them to unite Change back and revise the show to its opposite You're finally writing a new ending with happiness infinite Replace what you create

Players must reassemble the poem with the pieces from the first Jiffy Pop puzzle, affix it to a piece of paper found in the journalism room, and place it in the bin of submissions for the yearbook - thereby ensuring that the poem will be printed in the yearbook, where Catherine can find it and cut it out and give it to the players in 2012, thus "closing the loop".




Eric L


Response to Correct Answer


To Do

  • Print large size poster of U.S. Presidents

Other Notes