3.11 TRASH

From DoctorWhen
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High School, 1986.


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

Players have travelled to 1986 only to find the locker and the nearby trash can empty. The trash can has a sign on it directing players to another location at the school, where they find a complicated set of instructions dictating how trash gets moved around by Tiresias. They must figure out Tiresias' system to discover where the envelope currently is.


The envelope, locker hallway garbage can with sign, poster with TRASH rules, whiteboard with the TRASH daily log, pile of blank paper, magnets or other 1"-diameter round objects in sets of 4, principal's office garbage can (with basketball hoop and some garbage inside), 1986-appropriate basketball poster for principal's office.

Plot Point to Convey

The players need to find the envelope so they can break the infinite time loop in which they're caught.

Short Description

Locate the letter after Chronos discards it.

Detailed Description

Puzzle Answer

The envelope is inside the garbage can in the principal's office. The players will also need to know that the locker hallway can is empty, the principal's office can contains garbage and recyclables, and the two other cans contain garbage only.

Puzzle Solution


See props, above - probably about $100.


Erik Stuart




- This may be a fairly hard puzzle for many teams, so hints have been built in to the structure of the puzzle. Every 15 minutes, the assistant janitor will hand them a clue.

- The first clue is the assistant janitor's business card, which says "TRASH is AMAZING!" - a semi-subtle hint that the TRASH system is a (4-dimensional) maze.

- The second clue is Tiresias' business card, which lists as interests "The Fourth Dimension" and "Mazes", a strong hint that the system is a 4-D maze.

- The third clue is a flyer/brochure on how 4-D mazes work, and gives a strong example of how to represent the TRASH system as a maze.

- The assistant janitor will be able to provide further guidance for struggling teams.

Response to Correct Answer

"Yes, you can look in this trash can". (The players will find the envelope, at which point they can change the writing on the newspaper and place the envelope in Wesley's locker.)

To Do

Create poster, get props

Other Notes