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A suitable geeky location (Exploratorium, Computer History Museum, clock repair shop, etc.)


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

The previous activitiy revealed that the time machine's chrono mentometer is malfunctioning. Luckily Doctor When is an expert on such matters--he did his dissertation on the topic.


Plot Point to Convey

The machine is closer to being fixed.

Short Description

The players need to help Doctor When fix the quantum chronomentometer.

Detailed Description

The players need to help Dr. When fix the quantum chronomentometer. This event should occur outside of the central lab (a tech-y location like the Copmuter History Museum, the Exploratorium, or a clock repair shop feels appropriate). The nature of the event is wide-open: maybe teams find complicated blueprints that need to be "solved" (revealing a key setting for the chronomentometer?); maybe they need to physically construct an object; perhaps the crazy old guardian of the location says "Yep, I've got a working chronomentometer, but I won't give it to you unless you prove your worth by solving this mostly-unrelated puzzle". Successful completion of the event, in whatever form, results in a working chronomentometer.

Possibly another physical device, or maybe a big blinking electric thing (need to get the "staging mentometer" working first, then Chronos will duplicate it on the one in the actual time machine.

Puzzle Solution

A correctly configured mentomenter. Maybe the key is figuring out the configuration, which is identified by a word/phrase/number.

Puzzle Answer





To Do


Other Notes