Difference between revisions of "2.04 Chronomentometer 1"

From DoctorWhen
m (How To Give To Teams)
m (How To Give To Teams)
Line 53: Line 53:
: Objective: Design replacements for the four broken quantum chronomentometers
: Objective: Design replacements for the four broken quantum chronomentometers
: Location:  ?
: Location:  ?
: Upon Completion: Upload your designs to http://peachfrontier.com/cmm/
: Upon Completion: Upload your designs to http://peachfrontier.com/cmm/. Then email the lab to let us know that you're done.
: Parking:  ?
: Parking:  ?
: Bathrooms At Location:  ?
: Bathrooms At Location:  ?

Revision as of 20:04, 27 January 2012





Location Status


GC Point of Contact


Location Notes

A suitable south-bay geeky location (Computer History Museum, etc.)


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

The previous activity revealed that the time machine's chronomentometer is malfunctioning. Luckily Doctor When is an expert on such matters -- he did his dissertation on the topic. Unfortunately he's not an implementation expert. So the team is sent out in search of one.


  • Four sets of hex tiles per team
  • Sheet with Act II GC phone number and email address
  • Act II View-O-Scope Computer Remote Access Program

Plot Point to Convey

  • Doctor When can't design himself because he is good on theory; only Prof. Chronos was driven to implement.
  • Help of another expert is needed.
  • Once done, the machine is closer to being fixed.

Short Description

The players need to help Doctor When design a new quantum chronomentometer.

Detailed Description

Jigsaw puzzle with constraints. Physical pieces given to players to model the "real" one in the time machine, along with four partial maps on paper. They submit their completed arrangements to lab staff, who will confirm the solution.

How To Give To Teams

In person lab assistant says words to the effect of (lines on pp. 31-32 of script):

Doctor When could use your help designing a new quantum chronomentometer module. Unfortunately his expertise is mainly in the theoretical realm. Only Prof. Chronos was truly driven to implement a working device.
But luckily there's a nearby expert in applied chronodynamics who just may be able to help you. Please go to [location] where you'll be able to get the initial specifications for the new module, which you can use to design a new one.

Please email the lab a picture of your design when you're done. If you have any trouble with your design call XXX-XXX-XXXX and one of the lab assistants may be able to help.

Oh...and take this disk with you. It contains software for remote access to the time machine's View-O-Scope...if we ever get that working again.

(Probably hands out sheet with GC phone number and email address, as well as disk.)


Research Project Title: Chronomentometer
Objective: Design replacements for the four broken quantum chronomentometers
Location:  ?
Upon Completion: Upload your designs to http://peachfrontier.com/cmm/. Then email the lab to let us know that you're done.
Parking:  ?
Bathrooms At Location:  ?
Food At Location:  ?

Teams then travel to location.

At next location GC staff hand out puzzle.

Puzzle Answer

Correctly configured mentomenters, represented by an alphanumeric sequence.

Puzzle Solution

Each set consists of unique hexaxgonal 4-ominoes (and some 3-ominoes) that tesselate into the Trenchwood "T" logo shape. For each puzzle sheet, some of the pieces are given fixed positions, and the others must be figured out.


 Scrap Acrylic, about 2.2 puzzles per $1 sheet = $58
 Printer Ink = $9 (est.)
 Label Stock, about 1.9 puzzles per $0.4 sheet = $26





Response to Correct Answer

GC emails team

Dear team _________,
Your new design for a quantum chronomentometer module worked! Thank you so much.
Doctor When is tied up in calculations. But he taped instructions on what he needs you to do next. We don't have the View-O-Scope working well enough to view the past. But it can patch you into his recording. Please go to launch the Computer Remote Access Program and enter access code XXXX.
Frank Farnok,
Lab Assistant

Note that there is a second follow-up email that must be sent shortly afterwards. Its canned text with the supplemental research project information is in the Mix Tape entry.

To Do

  • Determine which 4 randomly-generated puzzles are appropriate for training

Other Notes

This is a "trainer" puzzle for a series of them appearing later in the act.