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Design: Erik Stuart, Wei-Hwa Huang
Movie production: Sarah Kling

Revision as of 17:47, 5 September 2011






Likely delivered via DVD at the Long Now Foundation.


Mandatory Puzzle

Plot Setup

Prof. Chronus nearly has the machine working properly with the new pep rings, the password, etc. But it still needs to be "calibrated." The View-O-Scope has recorded the different times and places the Doctor has bounced to. (Players are seeing where the Dr. has been while they were doing the previous puzzles - it's not supposed to be "live".)


(Delivered via DVD.)

Plot Point to Convey

General time hijinx, ending in Dr. When bouncing to the Big Bang.

Short Description

DVD containing short clips of famous movie scenes, with Doctor When inserted into them in humorous ways.

Detailed Description

Players receive a DVD containing the View-O-Scope recording of the different times that Dr. When has bounced to. Each of these is a short clip from a famous movie scene (Dr. Strangelove, Titanic, and Gone With the Wind are a few examples), with Dr. When inserted in a (hopefully) funny way. The players' goal is to figure out where Dr. When bounced to at the end, so that they can "calibrate" the time machine appropriately and "lock on" to him. Additional details that are relevant at other points: 1) Dr. When loses the envelope during the Vertigo scene at Fort Point - they'll need this information later to get to the Retrieve the Letter event; and 2) in Act III, players will use the sequence again (which will end partway through) to figure out his next location quickly.

Puzzle Answer


Puzzle Solution


Cost for DVDs to deliver the puzzle, plus any cost to produce the movie. Estimate: $200.


Design: Erik Stuart, Wei-Hwa Huang Movie production: Sarah Kling




Response to Correct Answer


To Do

Wei-Hwa has indicated that he will make revisions (or suggestions for revision) for another round of internal testing. Get videographer to do the real thing.

Other Notes

For foreshadowing purposes, it may be useful to show something like the following - Doctor When briefly "spinning in a time vortex" in between each movie, and in one of these vortices, the envelope flies out of his coat pocket and is lost in the vortex.