Difference between revisions of "1.12 Consolidation 1"

From DoctorWhen
m (Text replace - "==Location Status==" to "==Location== '''Status''': something '''GC PoC''': someone '''Parking''': N/A '''Notes''': None")
m (Text replace - "(650) 395-8463" to "(415) 475-8463")
(59 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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'''Status''': something
'''Name And Address''': Schroeder's Restaurant (posing as "Laboratory of Herr Doktor Heinrich Schroeder")
'''GC PoC''': someone
'''Parking''': Free street parking after 6 PM
'''Parking''': N/A
'''Bathroom''': Yes
'''Notes''': None
'''Food''': Yes--and buy yourself dinner on GC!
No reservation needed; president of neighborhood association, Mark Scardina, has said it's okay
==GC Point of Contact==
'''GC PoC''': (415) 475-8463, lab@trenchwood.com
==Location Notes==
'''Site PoC''': Reservation made with Stephan
Urbano Sundial
Mandatory Puzzle
Mandatory Puzzle followed by Mandatory Presentation
==Plot Setup==
==Plot Setup==
Players have managed to help Doctor When "fix the timeline" by sending back the letter...but apparently there's one more technical fix they have to help with before Doctor When can be returned to the present.
* Iconoclast scientist Doctor When has attempted to demonstrate his time machine before an audience of VIPs.
* But it malfunctioned due to a faulty key component.  The players have helped fix that.
* The malfunction is causing the Doctor to bounce around randomly in time from era to era, facing untold dangers!
* Repairs also required access to the Doctor's supercomputer, but the team successfully hacked the password.
* Along the way they learned someone named "Buffy" was important to him back in high school.
* The players helped the Institute rescue the Doctor from the Big Bang
* The Doctor has asked not to be returned to 2012, but rather sent to Paine Memorial High School on May 31, 1986 at 2 PM
* Once there, the Doctor discovered he had lost an envelop containing "information vital to restoring the timeline" somewhere during his random bounces through time
* The players discovered the envelope was lost at Fort Point in San Francisco
* Players have retrieved the ancient envelope (and discovered that its contents are not "vital technical information")
* Leaderboard display
* 40 + Any remaining blank co-keypad grids from [[1.06_Calibration#Props]]
* Server(s) for submitting solutions
* Any leftover sets of keypad design kits
* Wei-Hwa + his computer + his phone + USB cable
** Video in W-H's computer
** Documentation from [[1.03.05_Co-Keypad_Optional_Driving_Puzzles]]
* Screen
* Projector (perhaps we can use the projector at the location)
** Projector-to-PC cable
** Projector remote
* Sound system (including microphone)
* 2 Lab coats (should already have from prior locations)
* 2 Trenchwood Institute name badges and lanyards (should already have from prior locations)
* 2 copies of Act I lab assistant skit (reformatted for ease of reading)
==How To Give To Teams==
Conversation with lab assistant over the phone should go something like,
:Hello, Trenchwood?  We found the envelope.
Lab Assistant:
:You didn't just locate the envelope...you retrieved it?! That's fantastic. We need you to get it to one of our lab assistants out in the field so that they can rush it back to the Institute.  From here we can use the time machine to send it to the Doctor in 1986.
:I know:  we have some lab assistants nearby collaborating with Herr Doktor Professor Heinrich Schroeder.  Please go to his lab at 240 Front Street.  Once there, the lab assistants will rush the envelope back to the Institute.
:The lab is also on a very convenient temporal flux line, so you will be able to watch the live feed from the View-O-Scope as we finally rescue Doctor When.  Success is in our grasp!
<poem style="border: 1px dashed #2f6fab; background-color: #f9f9f9; padding: 1em;">
Research Project Title: View The Rescue Of Doctor When
Objective: Deliver the envelope to a Trenchwood lab assistant in the field so they can rush it to the time machine (after which they'll use the View-O-Scope Computer Remote Access Program to let you watch Doctor When finally being returned to 2012)
Location:  Laboratory of Herr Doctor Heinrich Schroeder, 240 Front Street  San Francisco, CA 94111
Upon Completion: n/a
Parking:  Street, free after 6 PM
Need To Park: Yes
Personnel Required: Yes
Bathrooms At Location: Yes
Food At Location: Yes
Note: This location will be a good place to have dinner.
==Plot Point to Convey==
==Plot Point to Convey==
With the players help the Doctor has successfully changed the past...but not in quite the say the Doctor intended. In some bizarre, unintended, Rube Goldberg way it actually works and Buffy takes a shine to Doctor When. Also, the Doctor will rematerialize at 10 PM. Be back in the Institute by then.
==Short Description==
==Short Description==
Final fix before Doctor can be returned to the present.
Final fix before Doctor can be returned to the present.
==Detailed Puzzle Description==
==Open Time Period==
Saturday, 6 PM - 9 PM
== Technical Setup ==
==Staff Instructions==
'''Your Role''': Trenchwood Institute lab assistants
'''What To Wear''':
* Lab coat
* <u>Trenchwood Institute</u> name badge
'''What Your Character Knows''': Everything in Plot Setup except the content of the envelope
'''Puzzles At This Site''':
* All four role puzzles...but each team will get at most one
* Additional co-keypads
'''Where To Get Materials''': GC HQ
'''Setup Instructions''':
* Set up screen, projector, and sound
* Initialize display of G.R.O.S.S. progress
* Call GC when you are ready for teams
'''Handout Instructions''':
'''Initial Greeting Upon Arrival'''
Lab assistant says words to the effect of
:Welcome, welcome.  You have the envelope?  Fantastic.  We'll have a courier rush it to the Institute so that they can use the time machine to send it to the Doctor in 1986.
The visitors hand off the envelope.
'''What Puzzle To Give Teams Next'''
''''Before 8 PM''''
Give them a role puzzle, starting with the one for their role. Continue with the onsite handout staff instructions for that puzzle (attached).
Be sure to discreetly check off the appropriate cell in the online "Team Vs. Role Puzzle Grid."
''''After They've Completed Role Puzzle But Before 8:30''''
Conversation should go something like:
:Thanks!  That was such a weird problem--I don't know what we would have done if we didn't happen to have [science, journalism, finance, government] experts like you around!
:I think that the only thing we have left before we can get the time machine restarted is these darned co-keypads.  But we're making good progress.  You can see the overall progress on the screen.  At the rate we're going, I think we'll have enough of them fixed by 8:45 PM to finally rescue Doctor When, especially if you help.
:No pressure, though, you've already done <u>so</u> much for us.  So, feel free to grab some food if you haven't already done so, or grab another piece of CRAP from the online G.R.O.S.S. system and design some more co-keypads, or just chat with the other attendees here.  If you do design a new co-keypad, just see a lab assistant with a workstation so they can check in your design.  Whatever you do, make sure you're here at 8:45 when we restart the time machine and send that envelope to Doctor When.
See:  [[1.03.05_Co-Keypad_Optional_Driving_Puzzles#Response_to_Correct_Answer]]
'''At 8:45 PM'''
By now hopefully all the teams have arrived and at least finished their role puzzle.  The lab assistants act out the skit on the attached script excerpt.
Then they show videos of Act I Scenes 3 & 4 on the big screen. Then lab assistant announces:
Hooray, you've rescued Doctor When!  Now it's time to return to the lab for debriefing.
Lab assistant's phone seems to get a message.
Hold it...there's a bit of residual tachyonic radiation at the lab...probably wouldn't cause sterility.
Well, those darn government regulators might object. Why don't you just let it die down a bit.  We'll resume the presentation at 10...so wait to check in till at least 9:45 PM. If you haven't eaten yet Perhaps you could get yourself some dinner between now and then.  Here is a good place, but there are also many other restaurants around.  But definitely don't go back before 9:45 PM.  We really, really, do not want to get into any trouble with government regulators; I’ve heard that filling out their forms is impossible!
'''Site Close Down''':
* Pack up
* Call GC
* Save the Team Vs. Role Puzzle grid for use during Consolidator 2
* Return your name badge(s) and lanyard to GC HQ at the end of your shift
'''Other Instructions''':
* Stay in character.
* Except...if a team says "time out," then break character.
USE trenchwood;
==Detailed Description==
* Clean out the solved puzzle table
Co-Keypad puzzles must be collectively solved by the teams.  They work together in mild competition until all teams have arrived.
** Log in to mysql on wei-Hwa's server (username: laboratory, password: forscience), then run:
TRUNCATE TABLE assignments;
* Clean out the log
rm /home/www/doctorwhen/trenchwood.com/public_html/keypad/log/*
* If you need to regenerate the team information:
** Make sure /home/whuang/public_html/nodir/doctorwhen/gross/teams.csv is correct
** run this SQL:
LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/whuang/public_html/nodir/doctorwhen/gross/teams.csv'
  INTO TABLE solvers
  IGNORE 1 LINES (solver_id, name, role_id, passcode, present, fake);
* If you need to regenerate the puzzle information (god I hope not), this will recreate the release_info and scores tables:
  mysql -Dpeachfrontier -u laboratory --password=forscience < /home/whuang/prog/keypad/puzinfo.sql
==How To Give To Teams==
There are a maximum of 16 puzzles per team (256 puzzles in week 1, 272 puzzles in week 2) available. Initially, only 4 puzzles per team are "broken" (64 puzzles in week 1, 68puzzles in week 2).  A GC member should be pacing the release of new "broken" puzzles so that teams are on track to have everything solved at the end of the consolidation.
Lab assistant over the phone says words to the effect of,
: Success is in our grasp. But the temporal flux lines have shifted.  To watch the live feed from the View-O-Scope of us finally rescuing Doctor When you need to meet up with the lab assistant at the Urbano Sundial across the street from 30 Entrada Court in San Francisco.
GROSS is available athttp://trenchwood.com/keypad
'''Call Wei-Hwa when each teams starts heading to Urbano--one call for each team.'''
The admin console is at:  http://trenchwood.com/keypad/nimda.html
The display dashboard is at: http://trenchwood.com/keypad/dashboard.php
GROSS should display properly on smartphones and Internet-enabled tablets.
: Research Project Title: View The Rescue Of Doctor When
It'll be blindingly obvious once you log in and when you see the display dashboard that individual team information is anonymized and only role information is shared. At least, that's my hope.
: Objective: Travel to where the View-O-Scope Computer Remote Access Program can pick up the signal of Doctor When finally being rescued
: Location: Urbano Sundial (a/k/a Ingleside Terraces Sundial), 30 Entrada Court, San Francisco
: Upon Completion: Speak with any lab assistant on site
: Parking:  Street
: Bathrooms At Location:  No
: Food At Location:  No
Teams then travel to location.
More information at [[1.03.05 Co-Keypad Optional Driving Puzzles]].
Lab assistant on site says,
== Technical Setup ==
: Thank God you're here.  Just a few hours ago we discovered that the damage to the Midi-Ether Co-Keypads was much more extensive than we thought; apparently while #34 was out of commission (thank you for repairing that, by the way) the extra load on the time machine translated to extra stress and soon more of the Co-Keypads blew up.  And of course that created a positive feedback loop so soon...
This has now been moved to [[1.03.05_Co-Keypad_Optional_Driving_Puzzles#Technical_Setup]]
: (early teams) ...things are going to get really out of hand if we don’t enough help soon.
: (later teams) …things got really out of hand, so we need as much help as we can get.
: So we’re calling in all the stops.  We’ve got you, all the other guests you saw at the Grand Unveiling, as well as teams from all over the country -- Journalists, Scientists, Government Officials, Investors.  And of course the lab assistants back at Trenchwood are working on this heavily as well.
: I don’t have any experience managing groups this large, so we did a quick web search for “gross repair operations,” and the first thing we found was this management software called “Gross Repair Operations Supervision System,” so I’m trying to learn how to use that.  Since you’ve been so excellent at repairing things like the Brain-O-Matic,  consider yourself a repair crew now!
: Let’s see... I’m supposed to give you this User’s Manual, this login sheet, and, ah yes, you’ve been assigned to two TASCs, so you’ll need these two Connection Requirements Analysis for Pads.  I’m sure since you were the ones who repaired #34 that you’ll have no problem handling this. As you finish re-designing the Co-Keypads, the system will be telling you to give me designs to enter in to fix them.
: I have a very good feeling that if we can just get all the Midi-Ether Co-Keypads working again, we’ll finally be able to get the Doctor back.  Thanks again for all your help.
==Puzzle Answer==
==Puzzle Answer==
The event is over when all co-keypad puzzles are solved.  GC will regulate the pace by having "lab assistants" artificially solve some puzzles, timing it to end shortly after the last team arrives.
The event is over when all co-keypads are designed.  GC will regulate the pace by having imaginary "lab assistants" artificially solve some puzzles, timing it to end shortly after the last team arrives.
Answers to each co-keypad can be found at http://trenchwood.com/keypad/answers/ .
==Puzzle Solution==
==Puzzle Solution==
Same as Co-Keypad A event.
Answers to each co-keypad can be found at http://trenchwood.com/keypad/answers/ .
Line 108: Line 207:
==Response to Correct Answer==
Ask teams what they have done, probing details if necessary (often this will get a team unstuck by themselves).
Lab assistant on site says words to the effect of:
: Hooray, you've done it! By working together you've rescued Doctor When. Let's watch.
==Response to Correct Answer==
: The Act I Scenes 3 & 4 are played on the big screen. Then lab assistant announces:
: Hooray, you've rescued Doctor When!  Now it's time to return to the lab for debriefing.
: Hold it...there's a bit of residual tachyonic radiation at the lab...probably wouldn't cause sterility.
: Well, those darn government regulators might object. Why don't you just let it die down a bit.  Wait till 9 PM. Perhaps you could get yourself some dinner between now and then--here's a list of nearby restaurants.  But definitely don't go back before 9 PM.  We really, really, do not want to get into any trouble with government regulators; I’ve heard that filling out their forms is impossible!
n/a--there's no call or email into the Institute
==To Do==
==To Do==
* Design server software.
* Test deployment with LAN.
* Test deployment with LAN.

Latest revision as of 18:01, 29 March 2012






Name And Address: Schroeder's Restaurant (posing as "Laboratory of Herr Doktor Heinrich Schroeder")

Parking: Free street parking after 6 PM

Bathroom: Yes

Food: Yes--and buy yourself dinner on GC!

GC PoC: (415) 475-8463, lab@trenchwood.com

Site PoC: Reservation made with Stephan


Mandatory Puzzle followed by Mandatory Presentation

Plot Setup

  • Iconoclast scientist Doctor When has attempted to demonstrate his time machine before an audience of VIPs.
  • But it malfunctioned due to a faulty key component. The players have helped fix that.
  • The malfunction is causing the Doctor to bounce around randomly in time from era to era, facing untold dangers!
  • Repairs also required access to the Doctor's supercomputer, but the team successfully hacked the password.
  • Along the way they learned someone named "Buffy" was important to him back in high school.
  • The players helped the Institute rescue the Doctor from the Big Bang
  • The Doctor has asked not to be returned to 2012, but rather sent to Paine Memorial High School on May 31, 1986 at 2 PM
  • Once there, the Doctor discovered he had lost an envelop containing "information vital to restoring the timeline" somewhere during his random bounces through time
  • The players discovered the envelope was lost at Fort Point in San Francisco
  • Players have retrieved the ancient envelope (and discovered that its contents are not "vital technical information")


  • 40 + Any remaining blank co-keypad grids from 1.06_Calibration#Props
  • Any leftover sets of keypad design kits
  • Wei-Hwa + his computer + his phone + USB cable
  • Screen
  • Projector (perhaps we can use the projector at the location)
    • Projector-to-PC cable
    • Projector remote
  • Sound system (including microphone)
  • 2 Lab coats (should already have from prior locations)
  • 2 Trenchwood Institute name badges and lanyards (should already have from prior locations)
  • 2 copies of Act I lab assistant skit (reformatted for ease of reading)

How To Give To Teams

Conversation with lab assistant over the phone should go something like,


Hello, Trenchwood? We found the envelope.

Lab Assistant:

You didn't just locate the envelope...you retrieved it?! That's fantastic. We need you to get it to one of our lab assistants out in the field so that they can rush it back to the Institute. From here we can use the time machine to send it to the Doctor in 1986.
I know: we have some lab assistants nearby collaborating with Herr Doktor Professor Heinrich Schroeder. Please go to his lab at 240 Front Street. Once there, the lab assistants will rush the envelope back to the Institute.
The lab is also on a very convenient temporal flux line, so you will be able to watch the live feed from the View-O-Scope as we finally rescue Doctor When. Success is in our grasp!


Research Project Title: View The Rescue Of Doctor When
Objective: Deliver the envelope to a Trenchwood lab assistant in the field so they can rush it to the time machine (after which they'll use the View-O-Scope Computer Remote Access Program to let you watch Doctor When finally being returned to 2012)
Location: Laboratory of Herr Doctor Heinrich Schroeder, 240 Front Street San Francisco, CA 94111
Upon Completion: n/a
Parking: Street, free after 6 PM
Need To Park: Yes
Personnel Required: Yes
Bathrooms At Location: Yes
Food At Location: Yes

Note: This location will be a good place to have dinner.

Plot Point to Convey

With the players help the Doctor has successfully changed the past...but not in quite the say the Doctor intended. In some bizarre, unintended, Rube Goldberg way it actually works and Buffy takes a shine to Doctor When. Also, the Doctor will rematerialize at 10 PM. Be back in the Institute by then.

Short Description

Final fix before Doctor can be returned to the present.

Open Time Period

Saturday, 6 PM - 9 PM

Staff Instructions

Your Role: Trenchwood Institute lab assistants

What To Wear:

  • Lab coat
  • Trenchwood Institute name badge

What Your Character Knows: Everything in Plot Setup except the content of the envelope

Puzzles At This Site:

  • All four role puzzles...but each team will get at most one
  • Additional co-keypads

Where To Get Materials: GC HQ

Setup Instructions:

  • Set up screen, projector, and sound
  • Initialize display of G.R.O.S.S. progress
  • Call GC when you are ready for teams

Handout Instructions:

Initial Greeting Upon Arrival

Lab assistant says words to the effect of

Welcome, welcome. You have the envelope? Fantastic. We'll have a courier rush it to the Institute so that they can use the time machine to send it to the Doctor in 1986.

The visitors hand off the envelope.

What Puzzle To Give Teams Next

'Before 8 PM'

Give them a role puzzle, starting with the one for their role. Continue with the onsite handout staff instructions for that puzzle (attached).

Be sure to discreetly check off the appropriate cell in the online "Team Vs. Role Puzzle Grid."

'After They've Completed Role Puzzle But Before 8:30'

Conversation should go something like:


Thanks! That was such a weird problem--I don't know what we would have done if we didn't happen to have [science, journalism, finance, government] experts like you around!
I think that the only thing we have left before we can get the time machine restarted is these darned co-keypads. But we're making good progress. You can see the overall progress on the screen. At the rate we're going, I think we'll have enough of them fixed by 8:45 PM to finally rescue Doctor When, especially if you help.
No pressure, though, you've already done so much for us. So, feel free to grab some food if you haven't already done so, or grab another piece of CRAP from the online G.R.O.S.S. system and design some more co-keypads, or just chat with the other attendees here. If you do design a new co-keypad, just see a lab assistant with a workstation so they can check in your design. Whatever you do, make sure you're here at 8:45 when we restart the time machine and send that envelope to Doctor When.


See: 1.03.05_Co-Keypad_Optional_Driving_Puzzles#Response_to_Correct_Answer

At 8:45 PM

By now hopefully all the teams have arrived and at least finished their role puzzle. The lab assistants act out the skit on the attached script excerpt.

Then they show videos of Act I Scenes 3 & 4 on the big screen. Then lab assistant announces:

Hooray, you've rescued Doctor When! Now it's time to return to the lab for debriefing.

Lab assistant's phone seems to get a message.

Hold it...there's a bit of residual tachyonic radiation at the lab...probably wouldn't cause sterility.

Well, those darn government regulators might object. Why don't you just let it die down a bit. We'll resume the presentation at 10...so wait to check in till at least 9:45 PM. If you haven't eaten yet Perhaps you could get yourself some dinner between now and then. Here is a good place, but there are also many other restaurants around. But definitely don't go back before 9:45 PM. We really, really, do not want to get into any trouble with government regulators; I’ve heard that filling out their forms is impossible!

Site Close Down:

  • Pack up
  • Call GC
  • Save the Team Vs. Role Puzzle grid for use during Consolidator 2
  • Return your name badge(s) and lanyard to GC HQ at the end of your shift

Other Instructions:

  • Stay in character.
  • Except...if a team says "time out," then break character.

Detailed Description

Co-Keypad puzzles must be collectively solved by the teams. They work together in mild competition until all teams have arrived.

There are a maximum of 16 puzzles per team (256 puzzles in week 1, 272 puzzles in week 2) available. Initially, only 4 puzzles per team are "broken" (64 puzzles in week 1, 68puzzles in week 2). A GC member should be pacing the release of new "broken" puzzles so that teams are on track to have everything solved at the end of the consolidation.

GROSS is available at: http://trenchwood.com/keypad

The admin console is at: http://trenchwood.com/keypad/nimda.html

The display dashboard is at: http://trenchwood.com/keypad/dashboard.php

GROSS should display properly on smartphones and Internet-enabled tablets.

It'll be blindingly obvious once you log in and when you see the display dashboard that individual team information is anonymized and only role information is shared. At least, that's my hope.

More information at 1.03.05 Co-Keypad Optional Driving Puzzles.

Technical Setup

This has now been moved to 1.03.05_Co-Keypad_Optional_Driving_Puzzles#Technical_Setup

Puzzle Answer

The event is over when all co-keypads are designed. GC will regulate the pace by having imaginary "lab assistants" artificially solve some puzzles, timing it to end shortly after the last team arrives.

Answers to each co-keypad can be found at http://trenchwood.com/keypad/answers/ .

Puzzle Solution

Answers to each co-keypad can be found at http://trenchwood.com/keypad/answers/ .






Ask teams what they have done, probing details if necessary (often this will get a team unstuck by themselves).

Response to Correct Answer

n/a--there's no call or email into the Institute

To Do

  • Test deployment with LAN.

Other Notes