Difference between revisions of "1.05.3 Wormhole"

From DoctorWhen
(49 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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'''Name And Address''': Smith Clock Company, 2799 Bush Street, SF
'''Parking''': Street, some metered; parking lot on Sutter Street between Divisadero and Broderick Streets, if necessary
'''Bathroom''': No
==Location Status==
'''Food''': No
==GC Point of Contact==
'''GC PoC''': (415) 475-8463, lab@trenchwood.com
==Location Notes==
'''Site PoC''': Mr. Smith, who should be onsite
Optional Puzzle (SCIENCE)
Optional Puzzle
==Plot Setup==
==Plot Setup==
The Heisenberg Compensator is stalled. It needs to be reset and restarted.  
* Iconoclast scientist Doctor When has attempted to demonstrate his time machine before an audience of VIPs.
* A key component failed, which is causing the Doctor to bounce around randomly in time from era to era, facing untold dangers!
* The players have already helped repair the component.
* The players have helped get access to the Doctor's super secure Brain-O-Matic 9000 supercomputer by hacking the password.
* Along the way they learned someone named "Buffy" was important to him back in high school.
* 17 copies of Wormhole puzzle
* Lab coat
* Smith Laboratories name tag insert (you should find it hidden in your lanyard)
==Plot Point to Convey==
==Plot Point to Convey==
Line 29: Line 37:
Particle maze in mirror grid
Particle maze in mirror grid
==Detailed Description==
==Open Time Period==
Approximately 12:45 PM to 1:30 PM
==Staff Instructions==
'''Your Role''': Smith Laboratories Lab Assistant
'''What To Wear''':
* Lab coat
* Name badge with <u>Smith Laboratories</u> insert
'''What Your Character Knows''':
* Doctor When is an unusual...though competent physicist.
* You know nothing of the Grand Unveiling...nor the malfunction of the time machine.
==How To Give To Teams==
'''Puzzles At This Site''': Only "Wormhole"
Over the phone a lab assistant tells them words to the effect of,
'''Where To Get Materials''': GC HQ
: Blah?
'''Setup Instructions''':
* Greet Mr. Smith
* Call GC when you are ready for teams
: Would you please [blah] and then call the Institute and speak to any lab assistant?
'''Handout Instructions''': The dialog should go something like,
If the puzzle is being given in the Role 1 slot, lab assistant then says
VISITOR: Hello! We were sent to get the Heisenberg compensator research project.
LAB ASSISTANT: Oh, the Heisenberg Compensator?  I think the professor who knew about that is on sabbatical somewhere.  In Antarctica.  But I do remember seeing some notes on the Heisenberg Compensator malfunctioning... lemme look for it.  Ah, here it is...
(reads, reads, flips over the page several times)
LAB ASSISTANT: Well, that's inconvenient.  He seems to have written this for an audience that's much smarter than I am.  Here you go, maybe you can figure it out.
: Please go to the Noisebridge Laboratory at 2169 Mission Street in San Francisco. Ask the lab assistant for the "Wormhole" research project. There is metered street parking nearby as well as the garage on Hoff Street between 16th and 17th, and the Mission Bartlett Garage at 3255 21st Street.
'''Hints''': Teams may call in for hints. But if you familiarize yourself with the hints below, feel free to give hints.
If the puzzle is being given in the Role 2 or 3 slot, lab assistant then says
'''Answers''': Teams have been instructed to email their answer to the Institute.  If they try to give their answer to you, remind them to follow their instructions.
: Please go to the lab assistant at your current location and ask for the "Wormhole" research project.
'''Site Close Down''':
* Clean up.
* Thank Mr. Smith
* Call GC to let us know you're leaving.
* Return your name badge(s) and lanyard to GC HQ at the end of your shift
If the puzzle is being given in the Role 4 slot, lab assistant then says
'''Other Instructions''':
* Stay in character.
* Except ... if a team says "time out," break character and help them.
: Please go to the steps of the California Academy of Sciences San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. As the lab assistant for the "Wormhole" research project. There is some street parking on John F. Kennedy Drive as well as the Golden Gate Park Garange, one entrance of which is at 800 10th Avenue.
==Detailed Description==
This is the version used for the playtest run:
==How To Give To Teams==
: Research Project Title: Wormhole
Over the phone a lab assistant tells them words to the effect of,
: Objective: Blah
: Location: Noisebridge, 2169 Mission Street in San Francisco; entrance is through a nondescript metal gate; there's a red graphic on black vinyl above the gate; the gate is just to the left of the Mi Ranchero produce market; walk up to the third floor
<poem style="border: 1px dashed #2f6fab; background-color: #f9f9f9; padding: 1em;">
: Upon Completion: Call the Institute and speak with any lab assistant
Another group just called and told us that they received a message that they think is from Doctor When.  It says "RESET HEISENBERG COMPENSATOR".  Well, we dug around in the time machine and we think we found this "Heisenberg compensator."  Unfortunately, when the lab assistant was playing around with trying to reset it he completely failed to check the original settings.  So now we don't know how many chronowatts to set this thing at. Eventually we found some notes from Doctor When, saying that the inventor of the Heisenberg Compensator will know what the right settings are.
: Parking: Metered street parking nearby (some free, some $2/hour coin meters) as well as the garage on Hoff Street between 16th and 17th, and the Mission Bartlett Garage at 3255 21st Street
: Bathrooms At Location:  Yes
: Food At Location:  Numerous stores, restaurants, and cafes on Mission and Valencia Streets, as well as every side street
Please go to the laboratory of Prof. Smith at 2799 Bush Street in San Francisco. Tell the lab assistant you need help with resetting the Heisenberg compensator.
: Research Project Title: Wormhole
When you figure out how many chronowatts to set the Heisenberg compensator to, call the Institute and speak to any lab assistant
: Objective: Blah
: Location: current
: Upon Completion: Call the Institute and speak with any lab assistant
: Research Project Title: Wormhole
: Research Project Title: Resetting Heisenberg Compensator
: Objective: Blah
: Objective: Determine correct chronowatt setting
: Location: Front steps of California Academy Of Sciences in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park
: Location: Smith Laboratories, 2799 Bush Street in San Francisco
: Upon Completion: Call the Institute and speak with any lab assistant
: Upon Completion: Call the Institute and speak with any lab assistant
: Parking: Some street parking on John F. Kennedy Drive as well as the Golden Gate Park Garange, one entrance of which is at 800 10th Avenue
: Parking: Street parking nearby; parking lot on Sutter Street between Divisadero and Broderick Streets, if necessary
: Need To Park: Preferred
: Personnel Required: As many possible should speak with Prof. Smith (or his assistant).  But if one needs to stay in the vehicle, that's OK
: Bathrooms At Location:  No
: Bathrooms At Location:  No
: Food At Location:  No
: Snacks At Location:  Various restaurants on Divisadero
Lab assistant on site merely hands out the puzzle. The puzzle instructions say to call in the solution.
==Puzzle Answer==
==Puzzle Answer==
==Puzzle Solution==
==Puzzle Solution==
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Ask teams what they have done, probing details if necessary (often this will get a team unstuck by themselves).
* Measure time from edge to edge of grid squares, not from center to center.  It simplifies the math.
* What's up with the "self-consistent temporal paradox"?  It's referring to a bootstrap type of paradox, meaning:  if a particle arrives from the future, flipping a mirror to state A, and it had already flipped that same mirror just before time traveling, which event was "first"?  It *DOES NOT* mean that a mirror ever has ambiguous state, nor simultaneous opposing states.  If that particle could only have reached the flip at time -10 by having flipped it to state A when it entered at time 0, that logically implies that it must have reached it AGAIN in between those times to flip it back to state B.  This is a vital inference.
* Try pretending the mirrors can always steer however you want at every mirror junction, and just look for any path at all that satisfies the "enter at 0, exit at -1" rule.
* Notice that all travel from mirror to mirror accumulates in increments of +3ns.  Even when a wormhole is used, the positive time accumulated from the mirror to the tunnel entrance and from the tunnel exit to the next mirror again add up to +3ns.  Furthermore, from the entrance to the first mirror, and from the final mirror to the exit, is another +3ns.  Therefore, total positive travel of the complete path must be a multiple of 3, and modulus arithmetic may be used to deduce how many times each tunnel might be traveled to make "enter at 0, exit at -1" possible.
* Try making a "snapshot" sequence of the maze.  What does it look like at time 0?  at time 1?  at time 2?  at time -6?  Graph paper will help.
* Each moment in the correct sequence has a single configuration -- there are no "dual states" of simultaneous alternative possibilities.
* Totally stuck?  All mirrors are in the "/" position at time 0.
* Once the complete travel path is known, notice that it visits certain time slices multiple times. Pay attention to its flight path for the time slices it visits exactly twice  (poem hint, "the patterns flown through, when particles two")
* In each time slice, look at the braille letters that are the same for both visits (poem hint, "that are the same")
==Response to Correct Answer==
==Response to Correct Answer==
Lab assistant over the phone will say words to the effect of,
Lab assistant over the phone will say words to the effect of,
: Thanks, we'll try that. Hey, it works!
Thanks, we'll try that. Hey, it works!
==To Do==
==To Do==

Latest revision as of 02:49, 31 March 2012




Name And Address: Smith Clock Company, 2799 Bush Street, SF

Parking: Street, some metered; parking lot on Sutter Street between Divisadero and Broderick Streets, if necessary

Bathroom: No

Food: No

GC PoC: (415) 475-8463, lab@trenchwood.com

Site PoC: Mr. Smith, who should be onsite


Optional Puzzle

Plot Setup

  • Iconoclast scientist Doctor When has attempted to demonstrate his time machine before an audience of VIPs.
  • A key component failed, which is causing the Doctor to bounce around randomly in time from era to era, facing untold dangers!
  • The players have already helped repair the component.
  • The players have helped get access to the Doctor's super secure Brain-O-Matic 9000 supercomputer by hacking the password.
  • Along the way they learned someone named "Buffy" was important to him back in high school.


  • 17 copies of Wormhole puzzle
  • Lab coat
  • Smith Laboratories name tag insert (you should find it hidden in your lanyard)

Plot Point to Convey


Short Description

Particle maze in mirror grid

Open Time Period

Approximately 12:45 PM to 1:30 PM

Staff Instructions

Your Role: Smith Laboratories Lab Assistant

What To Wear:

  • Lab coat
  • Name badge with Smith Laboratories insert

What Your Character Knows:

  • Doctor When is an unusual...though competent physicist.
  • You know nothing of the Grand Unveiling...nor the malfunction of the time machine.

Puzzles At This Site: Only "Wormhole"

Where To Get Materials: GC HQ

Setup Instructions:

  • Greet Mr. Smith
  • Call GC when you are ready for teams

Handout Instructions: The dialog should go something like,

VISITOR: Hello! We were sent to get the Heisenberg compensator research project.

LAB ASSISTANT: Oh, the Heisenberg Compensator? I think the professor who knew about that is on sabbatical somewhere. In Antarctica. But I do remember seeing some notes on the Heisenberg Compensator malfunctioning... lemme look for it. Ah, here it is...

(reads, reads, flips over the page several times)

LAB ASSISTANT: Well, that's inconvenient. He seems to have written this for an audience that's much smarter than I am. Here you go, maybe you can figure it out.

Hints: Teams may call in for hints. But if you familiarize yourself with the hints below, feel free to give hints.

Answers: Teams have been instructed to email their answer to the Institute. If they try to give their answer to you, remind them to follow their instructions.

Site Close Down:

  • Clean up.
  • Thank Mr. Smith
  • Call GC to let us know you're leaving.
  • Return your name badge(s) and lanyard to GC HQ at the end of your shift

Other Instructions:

  • Stay in character.
  • Except ... if a team says "time out," break character and help them.

Detailed Description

This is the version used for the playtest run: Media:WormholeMazeV5.pdf

How To Give To Teams

Over the phone a lab assistant tells them words to the effect of,

Another group just called and told us that they received a message that they think is from Doctor When. It says "RESET HEISENBERG COMPENSATOR". Well, we dug around in the time machine and we think we found this "Heisenberg compensator." Unfortunately, when the lab assistant was playing around with trying to reset it he completely failed to check the original settings. So now we don't know how many chronowatts to set this thing at. Eventually we found some notes from Doctor When, saying that the inventor of the Heisenberg Compensator will know what the right settings are.

Please go to the laboratory of Prof. Smith at 2799 Bush Street in San Francisco. Tell the lab assistant you need help with resetting the Heisenberg compensator.

When you figure out how many chronowatts to set the Heisenberg compensator to, call the Institute and speak to any lab assistant


Research Project Title: Resetting Heisenberg Compensator
Objective: Determine correct chronowatt setting
Location: Smith Laboratories, 2799 Bush Street in San Francisco
Upon Completion: Call the Institute and speak with any lab assistant
Parking: Street parking nearby; parking lot on Sutter Street between Divisadero and Broderick Streets, if necessary
Need To Park: Preferred
Personnel Required: As many possible should speak with Prof. Smith (or his assistant). But if one needs to stay in the vehicle, that's OK
Bathrooms At Location: No
Snacks At Location: Various restaurants on Divisadero

Puzzle Answer


Puzzle Solution

. https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/EzYta3ftAyzMAbCXEW608irz7d04fHtlHe7C8c615fY?feat=directlink




Eric Lindstrom: concept, design, implementation


Eric L


Ask teams what they have done, probing details if necessary (often this will get a team unstuck by themselves).

  • Measure time from edge to edge of grid squares, not from center to center. It simplifies the math.
  • What's up with the "self-consistent temporal paradox"? It's referring to a bootstrap type of paradox, meaning: if a particle arrives from the future, flipping a mirror to state A, and it had already flipped that same mirror just before time traveling, which event was "first"? It *DOES NOT* mean that a mirror ever has ambiguous state, nor simultaneous opposing states. If that particle could only have reached the flip at time -10 by having flipped it to state A when it entered at time 0, that logically implies that it must have reached it AGAIN in between those times to flip it back to state B. This is a vital inference.
  • Try pretending the mirrors can always steer however you want at every mirror junction, and just look for any path at all that satisfies the "enter at 0, exit at -1" rule.
  • Notice that all travel from mirror to mirror accumulates in increments of +3ns. Even when a wormhole is used, the positive time accumulated from the mirror to the tunnel entrance and from the tunnel exit to the next mirror again add up to +3ns. Furthermore, from the entrance to the first mirror, and from the final mirror to the exit, is another +3ns. Therefore, total positive travel of the complete path must be a multiple of 3, and modulus arithmetic may be used to deduce how many times each tunnel might be traveled to make "enter at 0, exit at -1" possible.
  • Try making a "snapshot" sequence of the maze. What does it look like at time 0? at time 1? at time 2? at time -6? Graph paper will help.
  • Each moment in the correct sequence has a single configuration -- there are no "dual states" of simultaneous alternative possibilities.
  • Totally stuck? All mirrors are in the "/" position at time 0.
  • Once the complete travel path is known, notice that it visits certain time slices multiple times. Pay attention to its flight path for the time slices it visits exactly twice (poem hint, "the patterns flown through, when particles two")
  • In each time slice, look at the braille letters that are the same for both visits (poem hint, "that are the same")

Response to Correct Answer

Lab assistant over the phone will say words to the effect of,

Thanks, we'll try that. Hey, it works!

To Do

  • Final QC
  • Enhance "How To Give To Teams" section
  • Hints

Other Notes